Work Certification Card Issued by Litzmannstadt Ghetto Jewish Council to a Jewish Woman 1941 $380.00 0
Set of Documents Belonging to a Polish Jew from Wieliczka City - Pre-war and Occupation Period $730.00 0
Very Rare III Reich Period Issued Passport to a Jewish Woman Who Emigrated to Chile in 1939 $580.00 0
Very Rare III Reich Period Issued Passport to a Jewish Woman Who Emmigrated to Chile in 1939 $560.00 0
Jewish - Rare post-war certificate of the International Refugee Organisation to a Jew from Berlin of the - 1949 $100.00 0
Very rare trilingual document dealing with Jewish expert in medical issues - Dentist ghetto Rawa Ruska $240.00 0
Very interesting set of 3 identity cards issued to a Polish sister that worked as nurse in the famous hospital of St. Stanislau, that was directly connected to the Warsaw Uprising and Ghetto Uprising. $680.00 0
Holocaust - Very rare Ausweis issued to a Czech Jew by the Jewish Council of Prague to use public transport from home to work during weekends - 1945 $390.00 0
Impressive and ultra rare set of used condition JUDE star of David for German and Czech Jews and immediate post war ID card from Society of Jewish Inwalids to the owner of the star! $1,400.00 0
Judaica - Rare set of 2 passports to a German Jew Journalist who emmigrated to Palestine in 1938 $480.00 0
Very interesting and rare passport issued to a Jew from Vienna that died in KL Buchenwald after being arrested in the Kristallnacht (Night of broken glass) - victim of the Holocaust! $880.00 0
Holocaust - Super rare leaflet issued in France in the village of Champigny-Sur-Marne for all the Jews telling them to go be issued an identity card - 1940 $480.00 0
Freemasonry -Masonic - Very rare set consisting of an German ID certificate to a construction worker apprentice and the matching pendant made from Gold issued by the chamber of construction workers - Masonic background? $320.00 0
Jewish - Belongings' form filled in the package office in Wien by a Jewish Couple from that city that emmigrated to London - 1939 $160.00 0
SS Einsatzgruppen - 4 examples of relic condition ID tags of the infamous SS Einsatzgruppen found in the Finland lake, still readable in some parts! $300.00 0
Holocaust - Interesting set that belonged to a Jewish mother and son a genuine used condition JUDE star of David! $1,650.00 0
Outstanding set of documents to a couple of German Jews who escaped the Holocaust, including Jewish Kennkarte, Passport and other identity documents - man was a Jewish soldier in the German imperial army! $2,600.00 0
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish women Elly Sara Koh from Berlin ! With red "J" stamped $580.00 0
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish women Rosa Sara Koh from Stettin ! With red "J" stamped $560.00 0
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish girl high school student Herta Rosa Louise Gerstmann from Viena ! With red "J" stamped $480.00 0
KL Dachau - Mega rare item - hand-made bracelet with a prison number 30287 and the name of the camp KL Dachau ! $870.00 0
Jewish - Antisemitic - Very rare Kennkarte issued to a Jew from Hamburg using the J type Kennkarte - 1939!! $520.00 0
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish women Else Emma Sara Moses ! With red "J" stamped $630.00 0
Ultra rare pair of Reisepässe that belonged to 2 members of the world famous Jewish dinasty of the Rothschilds that escaped the Nazi Germany!!! $2,200.00 0
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish women Margarete Sara Goldberger ! With red "J" stamped $630.00 0
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish women Alice Sara Lasch . With red "J" stamped $580.00 0
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish women Dorothea Sara Mounk ! With red "J" stamped $580.00 0
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish women ! With red "J" stamped! $580.00 0
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish man ! With red "J" stamped! $580.00 0
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish women ! With red "J" stamped! $560.00 0
Very nice Legion Condor version of the Black wounded badge used during Spanish Civil war. 2nd type. Made from spear $150.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Birkenau - Mega rare set after nurse and victim pseudomedical experiments from Birkenau - High Red Cross medal Florence Nightingale with her name ! $3,400.00 0