Judaica - Book "Message of the Jewish-Theological Seminars - University for Jewish Theology" 1931 $120.00 1
Anti-Semitic and Anti-Marxist Book in Dutch "Five Days Terror. The Latest Crimes of Jews..." 1940 $120.00 1
Judaica - Book "A Brief Guide to Al-Haram Al-Sharif Jerusalem. Published by Supreme Muslem Council" $80.00 1
Judaica - German Book of 1925 "Special Print of Monthly Paper for Jewish History & Knowledge" $120.00 1
Rare Anti-Semitic Book "High Treason of the Field Lodges in the World War" Friedrich Hasselbacher $280.00 1
Anti-Semitic Book "The Jews in Germany" by Institute for the Study of the Jewish Question 1935 $220.00 1
English Version of the Polish Government Report "The Mass Extermination of Jews in Occupied Poland" 1942 $2,700.00 1
Anti-Semitic Books Advertising Leaflet by NSDAP "Armor in Battle Against Judaism and Bolshevism" $170.00 1
Old book "Geschichte der Juden" by H.Graetz. History of the Jews. until the Expatriation of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews $100.00 1
Anti-Semitic book by J.E.J Tharuad "Qand Israel n'est plus roi" (When Israel was no longer a King) $60.00 1
Book - Die Judenbuche (The Jew's Beech) that belonged to the library of the Jewish peoples' association from Czech city of Znojmo $60.00 1