French Anti-Semitic Leaflet "The Wars and Revolutions Are Jew's Jokes. The JEW is the Public Enemy!" $60.00 0
French Anti-Semitic Vignettes"The Forgery of the Texts is the Basis of All Judeo-Masonic Management" $60.00 1
Ultra anti-Semitic III Reich period booklet "Der Jude als Weltparasit" (The Jew as world parasite) by Emil Reiffner and Erich Schwarzburg - 1944 $140.00 1
Interesting pre-Nazi era antisystem and anti-Semitic propaganda publication of support for Hitler $110.00 1
Racial science - "Heredity and race science "- School book "Erblehre und Rassenkunde für die Grund- und Hauptschule" by Bareth and Vogel $480.00 1
Ghetto Opole - Postcard sent from Judenrat Opole in 1941 to Jewish profesor dr Hugo Jokl in Tabor Czech $180.00 1
Theresiennstadt - Rare parcel order receipt from a Kleine Festung inmate probably after the death of the prisoner- 1943 $130.00 1
Ghetto Opole - Postcard sent from Judenrat Opole in 1941 to Jewish profesor dr Hugo Jokl in Tabor Czech $180.00 1
American Anti-Semitic Song or Poem Typed On a US Naval Training Station Stationery Paper 1930s $420.00 1
German Press Photo of the Exhibition "Monumenta Judaica" Organized After the War in Cologne $320.00 1
Photo of an Anti-Semitic Sign in the French Border "Jews are Expressly Prohibited From Crossing" $280.00 1
Photo of 2 Jews Posing With Stars of David Attached to Their Coat in Some Polish Ghetto 1940 $120.00 1
German Magazine "Die Woche" With Anti-Semitic Cover "Hereditarily Healthy!Miracles of the Body" 1937 $120.00 1
Ultra Anti-Semitic Special Magazine Published in France "I Hate You" With Leon Blum on Cover $230.00 1
French Anti-Semitic Humoristic Newspaper "The Laugh" - "Rothschild" - Nr. 9 Early - XX Century $190.00 1
American Press Photo of a Hotel Where a Sign Says "Private Beach. Gentiles" (No Jews Allowed) $190.00 1
French Anti-Semitic Vignettes "Down With The Popular Front of the Metics, Marxists..." - 1920s $50.00 1
French Anti-Semitic Vignettes "The Clenched Fist is Sign of the Cross of the Jews for 2000 Years" $70.00 1
Empty Envelope With a Letterhead of the Anti-Semitic Tabloid "Der Sturmer" 1936 - Circulated $180.00 1
Empty Envelope With a Letterhead of the Anti-Semitic Tabloid "Der Sturmer" 1940 - Circulated $180.00 1
German Nazi Period Advertisement Leaflet of Holidays Complex in Ahlbeck "Jews Are Not Welcome" $230.00 1