Electoral Propaganda Booklet "The Farmer In The Reich of Adolf Hitler" With Anti-Semitic Message $220.00 1
German Racist and Anti-Semitic Didactical Sheet "Equality of Jews in the 18th and 19th Centuries" $140.00 1
Anti Semitic - Nice empty envelope with two ink stamps of infamous anti-Semitic "Der ewige Jude" exhibition in Munchen - 1937 sent like register letter . $100.00 1
Ghetto Bendsburg o/.S ( now Będzin ) - Very rare letter sent like register letter from the Bendsburg ghetto to Tarnowitz . On back side is stamp from ghetto Judenrat ! $180.00 1
Official notice from the Oberfeldkommandantur in Charleroi about the prohibition of any participation of Jews in the reopening of the Royal Theatre in Namur and list of theatre plays to be plaid- 1940 $360.00 1
Anti-Semitic German book "Juden schaenden deutsches Recht" (Jews violate German Justice) by Gustav Messerschmidt - 1940 $180.00 1
Very rare elections propaganda leaflet with anti-Semitic and Nazi supporting message from Bayern - Volkischer Block party 1924 founded by Anton Drexler! $260.00 1
Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Rare Belgian Jews' record single file of Gisela Kleinbartova - 1941 $200.00 1
German Cinema Magazine Illustrierter Film Kurier Dedicated to Anti-Semitic Film "The Eternal Jew" $120.00 1
Nazi Newspaper "Der Filter" - NSDAP Fighting Tabloid Paderborn-Buren 1932 - Anti Semitic Article $100.00 1
Empty letter sent from New York by a Jew to the German Jewish Association of German Jews - 1940 $65.00 1
Rare temporary identification card issued to a French Jew from Verdun area in France! Dated 1940 $220.00 1
German Anti-Semitic Newspaper "Der Judenkenner" (The Jew Connoisseur) - Aryan News - Nr. 17 - 1936 $180.00 1
German Nationalist and Anti-Semitic Newspaper "Anti Rome - Anti Juda - Anti Freemasonry" 1933 $140.00 1
Complete Letter With Envelope Sent in Vienna in 1908 With Anti-Semitic Stamps on the Envelope $120.00 1
Set of Unused Anti-Semitic National Socialist Vignettes Glued to a Sheet - German Elections $260.00 1
German Anti-Semitic Newspaper "Der Judenkenner" (The Jew Connoisseur) - Aryan News - Nr. 16 - 1936 $140.00 1
German Racist and Anti-Semitic Didactical Sheet "Hereditary Equalities of Monovular Twins"German Racist and Anti-Semitic Didactical Sheet "Hereditary Equalities of Monovular Twins" $180.00 1
German Racist and Anti-Semitic Didactical Sheet "Jewish Rule Over Germany 1918-1933 (Prussia)" $140.00 1
Jewish Terrorists Against Patriotic Youth in Newspaper Frankfurter Volksblatt Organ of NSDAP - 1934 $70.00 1
Ultra Rare Original Drawing and Photo Jew Leo Frank Hanged - The First Jew Lynched in USA in 1915 $2,600.00 1