Nazi Electoral Propaganda Leaflet "The Volkisch of Magdeburg Broken?" Anti Semitic message. $100.00 1
Special Number of Nazi Magazine "Illustrierter Beobachter" - "England's Guilt" "New Europa!" $100.00 1
Anti-Communist and Plutocracy Electoral Propaganda Leaflet "The Golden and Red International" $140.00 1
German Electoral Propaganda Leaflet of the Volkischer Block in Bavaria - With Anti-Semitic Message $100.00 1
German Electoral Propaganda Leaflet With Anti-Communist and Anti-Nazi Message "Vote Centre!" $120.00 1
German Electoral Propaganda Leaflet of the Volkischer Block in Bavaria - With Anti-Semitic Message $80.00 1
German Electoral Propaganda Leaflet of the National Democratic Peoples' Party "German Men & Women!" $130.00 1
German Anti-Semitic Political Propaganda Leaflet "German Fighters for Freedom and Equality!" $100.00 1
German Electoral Propaganda Leaflet Against Hate Speech of the Nazis "Down With the Hate Speech!" $80.00 1
Anti-Semitic Propagada Leaflet "The Lords of the Earth. The Manifestation of the Jewish Domination" $100.00 1
Electoral Propaganda Leaflet of the Bavarian Peoples' Party "To All Soldiers & Former Members!" $160.00 1
National Socialist Electoral Propaganda Leaflet With Anti-Semitic Content "The Jews Vote National!" $100.00 1
German Politically Satirical Supplement to "Berliner Western" Tabloid - "The Rogue's Meadow" $60.00 1
Norwegian Anti-Allied Propaganda Leaflet "View Press Cutting Evidences! Why Are You Still Fighting?" $120.00 1
Rare Nazi Newspaper Called "Filter" - "The Strangulation of the Middle Class by Jewish High-Finance" $100.00 1
3 Different Value Banknotes for Contribution to the Antisemite Organisaton "The Antisemite League" $220.00 1
Anti-Semitic Propaganda Leaflet of the Bavarian People's Party "Whether Jew or Christian..." $120.00 1