Special Number of the Nazi Magazine "Illustrierter Beobachter" - Antikomintern on the Cover $100.00 1
Belgian anti-Semitic pamphlet with a supposed masterplan of the Jewry to control the world causing wars with obscure intentions $320.00 1
German Book "German Forefront in the East. Picture Book About the GG" by Helmut Gauweiler 1941 $280.00 1
Set of 5 Numbers of Occupied France Period Anti-Semitic Tabloid "Au Pilori" Dated in the Early 40s $120.00 1
Anti-Plutocrat Belgian Newspaper "Gazette of the Ardennes" - Number 62 "The Profitable War" 1918 $90.00 1
2 rare German informative sheets in German and Czech to inform about the hours Jews could go shopping in Aryan shops in Klattau (Czech Repulic) - 1940 and 1941 $480.00 1
German Ultra-Anti Semitic Tabloid "Der Sturmer" Published by Julius Streicher - N. 28 - 1944 $150.00 1
Anti Semitic - Set of 3 pages that contain and explain in French the different anti-Jewish ordinances $280.00 1
Anti Semitic - Rare and interesting bilingual leaflet published in occupied Poland to make it clear who must be considered a Jew or Mischlinge according to Nazi racial laws $320.00 1
2 Numbers of the Nazi Working Class Tabloid "Die Faust" -2 Numbers with Anti Semitic article $120.00 1
Number 17 of the Anti-Semitic Newspaper "Der Sturmer" - Year 1943 - Prevented Racial Disgrace $160.00 1
Ultra anti-Semitic III Reich period booklet "Der Jude als Weltparasit" (The Jew as world parasite) by Emil Reiffner and Erich Schwarzburg - 1944 $140.00 1
Interesting pre-Nazi era antisystem and anti-Semitic propaganda publication of support for Hitler $110.00 1
Racial science - "Heredity and race science "- School book "Erblehre und Rassenkunde für die Grund- und Hauptschule" by Bareth and Vogel $480.00 1
German Anti-Semitic Magazine "Die Brennessel" Published by Franz. Eher Verlag Munich - 1938 - Nr. 12 $140.00 1
Very rare elections propaganda leaflet with anti-Semitic and Nazi supporting message aimed to German women - Volkischer Block party 1924 founded by Anton Drexler! $230.00 1
Anti Semitic book " Israels Ritualmord an den Völkern " 1939 " Israel's Ritual Murder of the Nations " $130.00 1
Nazi Propaganda Leaflet of the WHW "We Sacrifice for the WHW! What Happens Then With Our Money?" $70.00 1
German Racist and Anti-Semitic Didactical Sheet "Mixture Between Germans and Jews in Berlin" $130.00 1
Electoral Propaganda Booklet "The Farmer In The Reich of Adolf Hitler" With Anti-Semitic Message $220.00 1