KL Auschwitz - Interesting postcard sent by an SS guard KL Auschwitz - Interesting postcard with a photo of Kattowice on the front, sent by an SS guard that was in duty in KL Auschwitz to a relative. $260.00 0
Researched set about seizure or confiscation notification from Reichsprotektorat Böhmen und Mähren that following a decree of 1940 could seize all the gold, platinum, silver and gems that belonged to every single Jew in the Protektorat. $280.00 0
WW II - Ukrainian Auxiliary Police - Gestapo - Polizei - Sicherheitsdienst - glass photographic negative ! $140.00 0
KL Neuengamme - Hamburg- Letter sent by inmate victim of the Allied air raids at Cap Arcona ship ! $160.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Warsaw - picture has been taken in ghetto Warsaw . around 1941. $100.00 0
KL Lublin Majdanek - Concentration camp bowl marked Waffen SS like those used in Majdanek - Lublin inmate's - super rare $680.00 0