Concentration Camp Uniform Jacket , Excellent Named Set After a Former Polish Inmate in KL Auschwitz and KL Buchenwald Who Survived! $12,800.00 0
KL Dachau - Official SS Travel Costs Receipt Document Issued to SS Member - Filed in - 1943 $180.00 0
Polizeigefängnis - Prison in Brunn - Postcard send to prisoner in Polizeigefängnis Brunn 1943 $50.00 0
Portcard and Indications About the Anti-Semitic Exhibition "The Eternal Jew" In Vienna 1938 $160.00 0
Advertisement Leaflet of the WHW Commemorative Postal Stamps Series - Beautiful German Ostmark $60.00 0
KL Mauthausen - Set of a death notice sent from Mauthausen to a deceased man's wife + letter! $720.00 0