Prisons - Set of 3 letters and document sent by a prisoner in Pilsen prison, in Czech Republic $220.00 0
KL Esterwegen - Awesome set of 6 documents all to a communist from Halle am Saale that was imprisoned and released from KL Esterwegen. 1933-1936 $1,900.00 0
KL Natzweiler - Very complete and interesting set of 6 documents regerding a man who was in preventive imprisonment and escaped and therefore was sent to KL Natzweiler in 1942 and then was also in KL Buchenwald - all the journey! $1,650.00 0
KL Dachau - Very nice set of 2 documents and mugshot to a KL Dachau prisoner in 1936! Documents signed by KL Dachau Kommandant Hans Loritz! $1,850.00 0