WW 2 -Simple Wehrpass to a German reservist of the Wehrmacht from Halle with no action registered $65.00 0
WW 2 - Big set of documents of a Pole from Bromberg who was movilised during war time for the rare Wehrmannschaft! $220.00 0
Ground dug knuckle-duster used by German soldiers and Polizei and also camp guards to punish inmates $80.00 0
Buchenwald SS hospital - Rare document dated 1943 dealing with an ID tag of an SS in Weimar-Buchenwald SS Lazarett $280.00 0
Holocaust - Ghetto - Jude - Impressive period photo of the entrance to a big Jewish ghetto in Warsaw ! $160.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Rare pair of documents of a KL Auschwitz guard related to the exams he passed for driving license for motorcycles dated 1944 $780.00 0
WW 2 - Amazing set to the U-657 U-Boot kapitän Heinrich Göllnitz!! Died in 1943 in Cape Farewell! $1,950.00 0
Gorgeous Spanish cross in bronze with swords of a Legion Condor pilot!!! Maker: Paul Meybauer, Berlin $850.00 0
Wonderful studio portrait of an SS-Sturmann of the Allgemeine-SS wearing the iconic black uniform! $39.00 0
WW 2 - Impressive and rare set belonging to a crew member of the infamous "Cap Ancona" ocean liner. The ship was sunk by Royal Air Force killing about 5000 people most of KZ prisoners $420.00 0
WW 2 - September 1939 - Certificate of liberation issued to a Polish soldier in a German prisoners' camp in Soldau $60.00 0
Awesome set including first pattern AFRIKA cufftitle so-called camel hair version and the matching award document! $590.00 0
Super scarce ID tag of a member of the SS - RuSHA - Race and Settlement Main Office of the SS! $750.00 0
WW 2 - Official document of the SD and Police office in Wien regarding the request form sent by the mother of an SS member $45.00 0