Anti Semitic - Rare and interesting bilingual declaration document published in occupied Czech considered this person is not a Jew or Mischling according to Nazi racial laws $280.00 1
Jewish - Rare birth certificate issued to a Jewish woman called Erna Sara Blumenthal from Kreuzberg Schlesien - 1939 $280.00 1
Belgian anti-Semitic pamphlet with a supposed masterplan of the Jewry to control the world causing wars with obscure intentions $320.00 1
Anti Semitic - Set of 6 pages that explain in Dutch the measures against the Jews contained in the Ordinance of 28.October 1940 $480.00 1
Anti Semitic - Very nice set of 3 documents written in French and issued by German authorities with the anti-Jewish ordinances issued since 1940 to 1942 $220.00 1
Jewish - 5 pages' dossier related to the Jews that could work and those that had forbidden their work in the amusement sector in Belgium and Northern France. Names list! $290.00 1
Holocaust - Early post-war published Jewish booklet about the recovery from the destroy , all written in Yiddish - 1948 $140.00 1
Holocaust - 1941 dated informal handwritten declaration of Jewish origin of a French or Belgian man called le Cassier $130.00 1
Dutch official document and questionnaire about the implementation of laws about Jews in the city of The Hague under Nazi ocupation - 1941 $170.00 1
Jewish - Rare wedding certificate issued to a Jewish woman from Schoppinitz in occupied Poland issued in 1940 $220.00 1
Pair of receipts sent from Litzmannstad Jewish Ghetto using recycled paper from order documents due to the lack of paper - 1941 $120.00 1
Rare document about the Jewish director of the Royal Theatre in Brussels and the prohibition of Jewish plays since the reopening issued of the theatre in Namur - 1940 $160.00 1
Document sent by the Military Commander in Belgium and Northern France to the Propaganda department in Brussels regarding the prohibition of the opening of a theatre in Turnai because the director was a Jew - 1941 $220.00 1
2 rare German informative sheets in German and Czech to inform about the hours Jews could go shopping in Aryan shops in Klattau (Czech Repulic) - 1940 and 1941 $480.00 1
Holocaust - Jewish - Mega rare Personalausweis issued to a Polish Jew from with the word JUDE stamped - 1940 $930.00 1
Holocaust - Very rare leaflet handed out by Nazi authorities to Polish population in Krakow indicating that Jews had forbidden the entrance in Krakow on the Main Square and Planty area $560.00 1
Holocaust - Jewish - Very interesting pair of oath documents to the same man, swearing that he is not of Jewish origin and he has a clear criminal record $260.00 1
Judaica - Rare book "Der Zionismus" by Dr, Max Nordau published by a Austrian Zionist publishing house $100.00 1
Set of 5 numbers of the ultra virulent anti-Semitic Der Stürmer newspapers! It's considered the most anti-Semitic newspaper of all times! $460.00 1
Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Ultra rare and fervent anti-Semitic book "Juden über Deutschland" about the Jews in Germany $480.00 1
Home » Jewish Holocaust Ghettos » Anti Semitic - Jewish - Example of the infamous and violent anti-semitic tabloid "Der Stürmer" 1936 $150.00 1
Home » Jewish Holocaust Ghettos » Anti Semitic - Jewish - Example of the infamous and violent anti-semitic tabloid "Der Stürmer" 1937 $150.00 1
Home » Jewish Holocaust Ghettos » Anti Semitic - Jewish - Example of the infamous and violent anti-semitic tabloid "Der Stürmer" 1937 $150.00 1
Home » Jewish Holocaust Ghettos » Anti Semitic - Jewish - Example of the infamous and violent anti-semitic tabloid "Der Stürmer" 1936 $150.00 1
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish 12 years old boy Bernhard Israel Veis ! With red "J" stamped $1.00 1
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish man ! With red "J" stamped! $540.00 1
Anti-Semitism - Very rare number of the period German cinema magazine "Filmwelt" with an article of anti-Semitic film "Jud Süß" main actor Ferdinand Marian - 1940!!! $250.00 1
WW2 - NSDAP - Big unfold-able propaganda poster from "Die Parole der Woche" with anti-British propaganda "Blessings of democracy" $240.00 1
Holocaust - Super rare Polish war period Anti-Semitic and anti-Russian propaganda magazine - 1943/44 - " Who help to us " $280.00 1
Pocketbook edition of anti-Semitic "Die schlimmen Juden ( The bad Jews ) !" by Carl Albert Loosi - 1927 $160.00 1
Anti-Semitic propaganda - Book published by NSDAP against the Jews in United States - Infamous anti-jewish propaganda! $320.00 1
WW2 Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Rare anti-Semitic book "Der Jude zwischen den Fronten" 1943 $140.00 1
3 x Ahnenpass - 3 different type of origin family books - To enter the family members. Was designed to exclude "foreign" elements in the family blood - NSDAP $120.00 1
Antisemitic - Original period "Der Stürmer" anti-Semitic newspaper propaganda leaflet to advertise a special number about Jews in Sudentenland! $230.00 1