KL Buchenwald - Fantastic portrait of a former inmate of KL Buchenwald! Hand drown!
WW2 - Nice set of 2 different rare banknotes from transit camp of Westerbork, Holland! Anne Frank's camp!
WW2 - Very nice set of a former Polish inmate from German concentration camp!
Concentration camp inmate bowl like those used in KL Lublin-Majdanek
WW2 - One of a kind item! An original engraved and named wooden spoon of a former KL Stutthof man inmate!
WW2 - Rare very low number inmate's letter from KL Groß-Rosen!
Concentration camp inmate bowl like those used in KL Lublin-Majdanek
WW2 - Genuine spoon used by an inmate of KL Buchenwald!!! Engraved!
WW2 - Nice set of 2 different rare banknotes from transit camp of Westerbork, Holland! Anne Frank's camp!
Super rare collection of KL Ravensbrück womens' teeth x-ray films to look for gold!!!
WW2 - Rare forced laborer id tag from Metalwerke Holeischen! Concentration camp people worked there!
WW2 Holocaust concentration camp Auschwitz jacket and cap from the same inmate - with Auschwitz stamp
Very very rare KL Dachau cremation ashes urn lid. Only one seen for sale ever!
Concentration camp inmate bowl like those used in KL Lublin-Majdanek
Ultra rare ID from Junkers Flugzeug und Motorenwerke company - Markkleeberg!
Super rare collection of KL Ravensbrück womens' teeth x-ray films to look for gold!!!
Release certificate from KL Mauthausen ! Mega rare document !
Relist from KL Dachau ! Mega rare document !
KL Dachau - Pennant hand crafted by a Christian prisoner
Very curious butterfly knife! Kapo owned - serval camp !
WW2 concentration camp bowl marked Waffen SS like those used in Majdanek - Lublin inmate's - super rare
Very interested Dachau gorget !
Very interested Dachau gorget !
$390.00 |