NSDAP membership badge "M1/130" (Parteiabzeichen).
German General Assault Badge - (Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen)
3 Reich - Luftschutzpolizei Bohmen & Mahren - Air Raid Protection Police Bohmia & Moravia
3 Reich - Armed forced belt buckle EM/NCO'S with "ingrown" piece of wood !
Jewish - Holocaust - Rare photo of Jews market in the ghetto !
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Warsaw - picture has been taken in ghetto Warsaw . around 1941.
WW 2 - NSDAP - Big unfoldable propaganda poster from "Die Parole der Woche" with anti-Semitic american propaganda
WW2 - NSDAP - Big unfold-able propaganda poster from "Die Parole der Woche" about children hunger in USA under Roosevelt government
3 Reich - nice catalogue of the very reputed German decorations and militaria manufacturer Assmann.
Private Taken Photo of Adolf Hitler Wearing his Military Uniform in the Front During the Campaign in Poland
3 Reich - Set of Three German Decorations - 2 Different War Merit Cross ant Russian Front Medal
3 Reich - Silver Wound Badge 1939
SS Officer buckle with an embossed Gothic scripted motto, "Meine Ehre heißt Treue", (My Honour is Loyalty)
Weimar Republic Reichswehr Belt Buckle - Steel
KL Lublin Majdanek - Concentration camp bowl marked Waffen SS like those used in Majdanek - Lublin inmate's - super rare
Very rare set of 2 cutlery engraved with the NSRB (Nazi lawyer association) emblem . Very not usual spoon !!!
WW II - Hilarious anti-Adolf Hitler and anti-Nazi hand made metal caricature!!!
Very nice condition III Reich period metal and enamelled plaque to indicate where the Prussian Civil Registry Office was
Beautiful period metal panel about "Kraft durch Freude" DAF program to get the DRL badge
H.Graetz. History of the Jews until the expatriation of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews 1863
Anti-Semitic poster with Dr. Goebbels quote: It was the Jews Who Invented Marxism.....
German SS Parcel Order Sent from SS Training Camp 1944
KL Buchenwald Concentration Camp Parcel Label Red Cross
KL Auschwitz - Notification of prisoner arrival in camp - 1944
The wound badge in Silver & Black 1939 (Verwundeten-Abzeichen)
HJ members cap badge RZM M1/155.
HJ members cap badge RZM M1/155.
$100.00 |