Holocaust - Rare document of the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland (Reich Association of Jews in Germany) to control the Jewish population - 1943 Holocaust - Rare document of the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland (Reich Association of Jews in Germany) to control the Jewish population - 1943 $320.00 Read more about Holocaust - Rare document of the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland (Reich Association of Jews in Germany) to control the Jewish population - 1943
Certificate issued to a Polish boy from Grodzisk in occupied Poland in 1944 Certificate issued to a Polish boy from Grodzisk in occupied Poland in 1944 $50.00 Read more about Certificate issued to a Polish boy from Grodzisk in occupied Poland in 1944
Rare set of documents issued to a doctor from Chelm in Poland: Health chamber membership Ausweis and document to work as doctor during occupation Rare set of documents issued to a doctor from Chelm in Poland: Health chamber membership Ausweis and document to work as doctor during occupation $120.00 Read more about Rare set of documents issued to a doctor from Chelm in Poland: Health chamber membership Ausweis and document to work as doctor during occupation
III Reich period Nazi Germany official flag made in 2 pieces and with maker label III Reich period Nazi Germany official flag made in 2 pieces and with maker label $300.00 Read more about III Reich period Nazi Germany official flag made in 2 pieces and with maker label
Great 2m+ long banner with Nazi Germany flag used for special celebrations to decorate buildings and streets during III Reich period! Great 2m+ long banner with Nazi Germany flag used for special celebrations to decorate buildings and streets during III Reich period! $400.00 Read more about Great 2m+ long banner with Nazi Germany flag used for special celebrations to decorate buildings and streets during III Reich period!
Huge podium banner with Nazi eagle in the centre used for ceremonies during III Reich period! Huge podium banner with Nazi eagle in the centre used for ceremonies during III Reich period! $690.00 Read more about Huge podium banner with Nazi eagle in the centre used for ceremonies during III Reich period!
Very nice Ausweis issued by supreme association of forest and wood business to a Polish man who lived in Krakow - 1944 Very nice Ausweis issued by supreme association of forest and wood business to a Polish man who lived in Krakow - 1944 $85.00 Read more about Very nice Ausweis issued by supreme association of forest and wood business to a Polish man who lived in Krakow - 1944
Very rare certificate issued to a Hungarian woman in occupied Poland in 1942 Very rare certificate issued to a Hungarian woman in occupied Poland in 1942 $110.00 Read more about Very rare certificate issued to a Hungarian woman in occupied Poland in 1942
KL Lublin Majdanek - Rare postcard from stationery of KL Lublin-Majdanek sent by inmate number 16745 - 1944 KL Lublin Majdanek - Rare postcard from stationery of KL Lublin-Majdanek sent by inmate number 16745 - 1944 $220.00 Read more about KL Lublin Majdanek - Rare postcard from stationery of KL Lublin-Majdanek sent by inmate number 16745 - 1944
Litzmannstadt ghetto - Postcard sent from victim of Litzmannstadt ghetto in 1941 that was rejected by post censorship for unacceptable - 1941 Litzmannstadt ghetto - Postcard sent from victim of Litzmannstadt ghetto in 1941 that was rejected by post censorship for unacceptable - 1941 $110.00 Read more about Litzmannstadt ghetto - Postcard sent from victim of Litzmannstadt ghetto in 1941 that was rejected by post censorship for unacceptable - 1941
Awesome double decal M35 helmet found in a bunker of the Cherkassy pocket area (Ukraine) with the name of a missing in action soldier painted! Awesome double decal M35 helmet found in a bunker of the Cherkassy pocket area (Ukraine) with the name of a missing in action soldier painted! $990.00 Read more about Awesome double decal M35 helmet found in a bunker of the Cherkassy pocket area (Ukraine) with the name of a missing in action soldier painted!
Beautiful tombstone porcelain photo and reminder of a fallen soldier of the Wehrmacht in Russia - 1942 Beautiful tombstone porcelain photo and reminder of a fallen soldier of the Wehrmacht in Russia - 1942 $290.00 Read more about Beautiful tombstone porcelain photo and reminder of a fallen soldier of the Wehrmacht in Russia - 1942
Wehrmacht helmet m40 ground dung in the area of Cherkassy pocket area (Ukraine) Wehrmacht helmet m40 ground dung in the area of Cherkassy pocket area (Ukraine) $820.00 Read more about Wehrmacht helmet m40 ground dung in the area of Cherkassy pocket area (Ukraine)
KL Flossenburg - Letter and envelope sent by victim of camp 1940 KL Flossenburg - Letter and envelope sent by victim of camp 1940 $180.00 Read more about KL Flossenburg - Letter and envelope sent by victim of camp 1940
KL Neuengamme - Letter and envelope early rare type sent from KL Neuengamme May 5, 1943 KL Neuengamme - Letter and envelope early rare type sent from KL Neuengamme May 5, 1943 $320.00 Read more about KL Neuengamme - Letter and envelope early rare type sent from KL Neuengamme May 5, 1943
Ghetto Litzmannstadt - probably a children's camp a picture of the gate in the Lodz ghetto (Litzmannstadt) 1942 ! Ghetto Litzmannstadt - probably a children's camp a picture of the gate in the Lodz ghetto (Litzmannstadt) 1942 ! $280.00 Read more about Ghetto Litzmannstadt - probably a children's camp a picture of the gate in the Lodz ghetto (Litzmannstadt) 1942 !
Kl Dachau - Letter sent by a Polish prisoner in KL Dachau to his wife - 1944 Kl Dachau - Letter sent by a Polish prisoner in KL Dachau to his wife - 1944 $120.00 Read more about Kl Dachau - Letter sent by a Polish prisoner in KL Dachau to his wife - 1944
Judaica - Very interesting Polish passport issued to a Jew from Zamosc who travelled to Palestina - 1933 Judaica - Very interesting Polish passport issued to a Jew from Zamosc who travelled to Palestina - 1933 $380.00 Read more about Judaica - Very interesting Polish passport issued to a Jew from Zamosc who travelled to Palestina - 1933
Rare III Reich period patriotic Nazi cravat brooch Rare III Reich period patriotic Nazi cravat brooch $60.00 Read more about Rare III Reich period patriotic Nazi cravat brooch
Great example of the NSDAP membership official enamelled pin marked M1/101 - Gustav Brehmer, Markneukirchen Great example of the NSDAP membership official enamelled pin marked M1/101 - Gustav Brehmer, Markneukirchen $95.00 Read more about Great example of the NSDAP membership official enamelled pin marked M1/101 - Gustav Brehmer, Markneukirchen
KL Mauthausen - Notification document by KL Mauthausen Kommandantur to the Kripo central office in Nuremberg about the transfer of a prisoner to KL Stutthof - 1942 KL Mauthausen - Notification document by KL Mauthausen Kommandantur to the Kripo central office in Nuremberg about the transfer of a prisoner to KL Stutthof - 1942 $480.00 Read more about KL Mauthausen - Notification document by KL Mauthausen Kommandantur to the Kripo central office in Nuremberg about the transfer of a prisoner to KL Stutthof - 1942
KL Sachsenhausen - Genuine half dog tag that belonged to a KL Sachsenhausen SS garrison guard! Ground dug KL Sachsenhausen - Genuine half dog tag that belonged to a KL Sachsenhausen SS garrison guard! Ground dug $360.00 Read more about KL Sachsenhausen - Genuine half dog tag that belonged to a KL Sachsenhausen SS garrison guard! Ground dug
KL Mautchausen - Very rare notification document by KL Mauthausen Kommandantur to the Kripo central office in Nuremberg about the transfer of a prisoner to ditrict court in Nuremberg - 1939 - signed by KL Kommandant Franz Ziereis! KL Mautchausen - Very rare notification document by KL Mauthausen Kommandantur to the Kripo central office in Nuremberg about the transfer of a prisoner to ditrict court in Nuremberg - 1939 - signed by KL Kommandant Franz Ziereis! $860.00 Read more about KL Mautchausen - Very rare notification document by KL Mauthausen Kommandantur to the Kripo central office in Nuremberg about the transfer of a prisoner to ditrict court in Nuremberg - 1939 - signed by KL Kommandant Franz Ziereis!
Ani Semitic - Mander s'ischt Zeit! Original Anti-Semitic and Anti-Schuschnigg postcard 1938 Ani Semitic - Mander s'ischt Zeit! Original Anti-Semitic and Anti-Schuschnigg postcard 1938 $160.00 Read more about Ani Semitic - Mander s'ischt Zeit! Original Anti-Semitic and Anti-Schuschnigg postcard 1938
Very early photo of the Nazi hierarchs in SA uniforms during a meeting or rally: Goering, Himmler, Roem - early 30's Very early photo of the Nazi hierarchs in SA uniforms during a meeting or rally: Goering, Himmler, Roem - early 30's $220.00 Read more about Very early photo of the Nazi hierarchs in SA uniforms during a meeting or rally: Goering, Himmler, Roem - early 30's
Big size photo of one of the visits of Mussolini's Foreign Minister to Nazi Germany saluting the crowd from a car Big size photo of one of the visits of Mussolini's Foreign Minister to Nazi Germany saluting the crowd from a car $40.00 Read more about Big size photo of one of the visits of Mussolini's Foreign Minister to Nazi Germany saluting the crowd from a car
Very nice example of Arbeitsbuch or Working book for foreigners, in this case to a Polish slave laborer. It cames with "P" patch! 1944 Very nice example of Arbeitsbuch or Working book for foreigners, in this case to a Polish slave laborer. It cames with "P" patch! 1944 $260.00 Read more about Very nice example of Arbeitsbuch or Working book for foreigners, in this case to a Polish slave laborer. It cames with "P" patch! 1944
Holocaust - Ultra rare set of Jewish Kennkarte from Generalgouvernement to a Jewish woman and her used Polish version star of David! Holocaust - Ultra rare set of Jewish Kennkarte from Generalgouvernement to a Jewish woman and her used Polish version star of David! $3,400.00 Read more about Holocaust - Ultra rare set of Jewish Kennkarte from Generalgouvernement to a Jewish woman and her used Polish version star of David!
KL Gross Rosen - Letter sent from concentration camp Czech prisoner 1944 KL Gross Rosen - Letter sent from concentration camp Czech prisoner 1944 $130.00 Read more about KL Gross Rosen - Letter sent from concentration camp Czech prisoner 1944
1944 Mint Holland postcard WW2 Hitler Mussolini Acrobats anti nazi 1944 Mint Holland postcard WW2 Hitler Mussolini Acrobats anti nazi $100.00 Read more about 1944 Mint Holland postcard WW2 Hitler Mussolini Acrobats anti nazi