KL Stutthof - Holocaust - Great example prisoner letter send from KL Stutthof 1944 Price:$280.00 Product category: Concentration Camps KL Stutthof - Great example prisoner letter send from KL Stutthof 1944 Perfect condition Specifics: Documents & paperworkKL inmates belongingsLettersStock: 1
Parcel order sent to inmate in KL Naztweiler-Struthof Parcel order sent to inmate in KL Naztweiler-Struthof $120.00
KL Neuengamme - Letter With Envelope - low number! 1941 KL Neuengamme - Letter With Envelope - low number! 1941 $160.00
KL Gross-Rosen - Letter Sent to Lemberg by inmate KL Gross-Rosen - Letter Sent to Lemberg by inmate $140.00
KL Auschwitz - 2 Sticker and Parcel Shipping Confirm KL Auschwitz - 2 Sticker and Parcel Shipping Confirm $280.00