Postcard Sent From KL Buchenwald by Polish Prisoner in 1941 Price:$70.00 Product category: Concentration Camps Postcard Sent From KL Buchenwald by Polish Prisoner in 1941. Prisoner number 1804. Specifics: Documents & paperworkKL inmates belongingsLettersStock: 1
KL Dachau rare pre-printed type of a postcard sent by inmate in 1941. KL Dachau rare pre-printed type of a postcard sent by inmate in 1941. $130.00
KL Dachau very rare early postcard 1937 from the famous inmate Georg Schenk, SPD Politician 1947-1953 in Bavaria. KL Dachau very rare early postcard 1937 from the famous inmate Georg Schenk, SPD Politician 1947-1953 in Bavaria. $400.00
KL Dachau preprinted folded letter send from subcamp Feldafing KL Dachau preprinted folded letter send from subcamp Feldafing $140.00
KL Stutthof parcel card with 3 times 50 Pfg. Ostland from Kauen to KL Stutthof KL Stutthof parcel card with 3 times 50 Pfg. Ostland from Kauen to KL Stutthof $180.00