Postcard Sent From KL Buchenwald by Polish Prisoner in 1941 Price:$70.00 Product category: Concentration Camps Postcard Sent From KL Buchenwald by Polish Prisoner in 1941. Prisoner number 1804. Specifics: Documents & paperworkKL inmates belongingsLettersStock: 1
Letter Sent in 1944 by Italian Prisoner of KL Dachau - Letter-Envelop Foldable Model Letter Sent in 1944 by Italian Prisoner of KL Dachau - Letter-Envelop Foldable Model $120.00
Rare Letter Sent in 1942 to Relatives by Inmate of KL Neuengamme Rare Letter Sent in 1942 to Relatives by Inmate of KL Neuengamme $140.00
KL Posen Fort 7 subcamp KL Lenzingen very rare postcard . KL Posen Fort 7 subcamp KL Lenzingen very rare postcard . $380.00
KL Mauthausen very rare labor camp Vienna Neudorf 1944 KL Mauthausen very rare labor camp Vienna Neudorf 1944 $230.00