Anti-Semitic pocket book "Peril Juif" (The Dangerous Jew) Anti-Semitic pocket book "Peril Juif" (The Dangerous Jew) $280.00 Read more about Anti-Semitic pocket book "Peril Juif" (The Dangerous Jew)
Anti-Semitic propaganda - Super rare original still from the Notorious Film Der Ewige Jude / The Eternal Jew Anti-Semitic propaganda - Super rare original still from the Notorious Film Der Ewige Jude / The Eternal Jew $380.00 Read more about Anti-Semitic propaganda - Super rare original still from the Notorious Film Der Ewige Jude / The Eternal Jew
Holocaust - Jewish - JOOD version of the Jewish star of David. Dutch variation VERY RARE!!! Holocaust - Jewish - JOOD version of the Jewish star of David. Dutch variation VERY RARE!!! $930.00 Read more about Holocaust - Jewish - JOOD version of the Jewish star of David. Dutch variation VERY RARE!!!
Holocaust - Judaica - Jude - Siegfried Radner's anti-Semitic book "Rasse und Humor" Holocaust - Judaica - Jude - Siegfried Radner's anti-Semitic book "Rasse und Humor" $220.00 Read more about Holocaust - Judaica - Jude - Siegfried Radner's anti-Semitic book "Rasse und Humor"
Holocaust - Judaica - Jude - Theodor Fritsch's infamous book "Handbuch der Judenfrage" Holocaust - Judaica - Jude - Theodor Fritsch's infamous book "Handbuch der Judenfrage" $320.00 Read more about Holocaust - Judaica - Jude - Theodor Fritsch's infamous book "Handbuch der Judenfrage"
Holocaust - Judaica - Jude - Very old rationing card for food used in the Jewish ghetto in Litzmannstadt Holocaust - Judaica - Jude - Very old rationing card for food used in the Jewish ghetto in Litzmannstadt $150.00 Read more about Holocaust - Judaica - Jude - Very old rationing card for food used in the Jewish ghetto in Litzmannstadt
Judaica- Jude - Two photos of Jews from Ukraine Judaica- Jude - Two photos of Jews from Ukraine $120.00 Read more about Judaica- Jude - Two photos of Jews from Ukraine
Judaica - Two period photos of Jews in the street of Leopoldstadt District of Vienna 1938 Judaica - Two period photos of Jews in the street of Leopoldstadt District of Vienna 1938 $120.00 Read more about Judaica - Two period photos of Jews in the street of Leopoldstadt District of Vienna 1938
Anti-Semitic propaganda - Book published by NSDAP on Jews in USA - Infamous anti-Jewish propaganda! Anti-Semitic propaganda - Book published by NSDAP on Jews in USA - Infamous anti-Jewish propaganda! $340.00 Read more about Anti-Semitic propaganda - Book published by NSDAP on Jews in USA - Infamous anti-Jewish propaganda!
Holocaust - Jewish - Period music stave of a Jewish Ghetto song composed by Otto Stransky and Kurt Robitschek Holocaust - Jewish - Period music stave of a Jewish Ghetto song composed by Otto Stransky and Kurt Robitschek $140.00 Read more about Holocaust - Jewish - Period music stave of a Jewish Ghetto song composed by Otto Stransky and Kurt Robitschek
Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Juif - Utra rare French version of the Jew star of David with provenance information! Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Juif - Utra rare French version of the Jew star of David with provenance information! $1,450.00 Read more about Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Juif - Utra rare French version of the Jew star of David with provenance information!
Holocaust - Jewish - Jew are digging corpses in Belgrad Holocaust - Jewish - Jew are digging corpses in Belgrad $120.00 Read more about Holocaust - Jewish - Jew are digging corpses in Belgrad
Holocaust - Mega rare item "Juden haus " - " Jew house" from Munchen. Holocaust - Mega rare item "Juden haus " - " Jew house" from Munchen. $730.00 Read more about Holocaust - Mega rare item "Juden haus " - " Jew house" from Munchen.
Holocaust - Mega rare item " Juden Leben Hier " - "Jews live here" from Munchen. Holocaust - Mega rare item " Juden Leben Hier " - "Jews live here" from Munchen. $780.00 Read more about Holocaust - Mega rare item " Juden Leben Hier " - "Jews live here" from Munchen.
Anti- Semitic - Ultra rare one of the rarest anti Jewish Nazi books for children published by Julius Streicher’s Stürmer Publishing House TRAU KEINEM FUCHS AUF GRUENER HEID UND KEINEM JUD BEI SEINEM EID Anti- Semitic - Ultra rare one of the rarest anti Jewish Nazi books for children published by Julius Streicher’s Stürmer Publishing House TRAU KEINEM FUCHS AUF GRUENER HEID UND KEINEM JUD BEI SEINEM EID $1,890.00 Read more about Anti- Semitic - Ultra rare one of the rarest anti Jewish Nazi books for children published by Julius Streicher’s Stürmer Publishing House TRAU KEINEM FUCHS AUF GRUENER HEID UND KEINEM JUD BEI SEINEM EID
Holocaust - Jude - Slovakia - Confirmation of origin for non-Jews 1944 Holocaust - Jude - Slovakia - Confirmation of origin for non-Jews 1944 $170.00 Read more about Holocaust - Jude - Slovakia - Confirmation of origin for non-Jews 1944
Ghetto Theresiendstadt - Parcel sending receipt to a man in ghetto Theresiendstadt Ghetto Theresiendstadt - Parcel sending receipt to a man in ghetto Theresiendstadt $100.00 Read more about Ghetto Theresiendstadt - Parcel sending receipt to a man in ghetto Theresiendstadt
Holocaust - Jude - Anti-Semitic novel "Die Narren des Kaganowitsch" published in 1937 Holocaust - Jude - Anti-Semitic novel "Die Narren des Kaganowitsch" published in 1937 $180.00 Read more about Holocaust - Jude - Anti-Semitic novel "Die Narren des Kaganowitsch" published in 1937
Judaica - Price discount 3x copuon of the Supporting club of the "Antisemitenbund" or Anti-Semitic association Judaica - Price discount 3x copuon of the Supporting club of the "Antisemitenbund" or Anti-Semitic association $160.00 Read more about Judaica - Price discount 3x copuon of the Supporting club of the "Antisemitenbund" or Anti-Semitic association
The nazis overprinted a German inflation note, the translation being : “ do not buy from Jews! “ The nazis overprinted a German inflation note, the translation being : “ do not buy from Jews! “ $150.00 Read more about The nazis overprinted a German inflation note, the translation being : “ do not buy from Jews! “
Anti- Semitic - Ultra rare Slovak version of the infamous anti-Semitic booklet "Der Untermensch"!!! Anti- Semitic - Ultra rare Slovak version of the infamous anti-Semitic booklet "Der Untermensch"!!! $680.00 Read more about Anti- Semitic - Ultra rare Slovak version of the infamous anti-Semitic booklet "Der Untermensch"!!!
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Food ration card in the Ghetto Litzmannstadt for milk Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Food ration card in the Ghetto Litzmannstadt for milk $160.00 Read more about Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Food ration card in the Ghetto Litzmannstadt for milk
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Very rare Ghetto Litzmannstadt cigarette ration card for Jews! Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Very rare Ghetto Litzmannstadt cigarette ration card for Jews! $100.00 Read more about Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Very rare Ghetto Litzmannstadt cigarette ration card for Jews!
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Voucher ( talon ) food from ghetto in Litzmannstad for poor of patients. Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Voucher ( talon ) food from ghetto in Litzmannstad for poor of patients. $100.00 Read more about Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Voucher ( talon ) food from ghetto in Litzmannstad for poor of patients.
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Food ration card issued in the Ghetto Litzmannstadt for milk Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Food ration card issued in the Ghetto Litzmannstadt for milk $160.00 Read more about Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Food ration card issued in the Ghetto Litzmannstadt for milk
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Food ration card issued in the Ghetto Litzmannstadt for milk Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Food ration card issued in the Ghetto Litzmannstadt for milk $130.00 Read more about Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Food ration card issued in the Ghetto Litzmannstadt for milk
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Very rare Ghetto Litzmannstadt cigarette ration card for Jews! Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Very rare Ghetto Litzmannstadt cigarette ration card for Jews! $150.00 Read more about Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Very rare Ghetto Litzmannstadt cigarette ration card for Jews!
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Very rare Ghetto Litzmannstadt cigarette ration card for Jews! Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Very rare Ghetto Litzmannstadt cigarette ration card for Jews! $120.00 Read more about Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Very rare Ghetto Litzmannstadt cigarette ration card for Jews!
Very graphic and shocking indite postcard size photo of skinny corpses of inmates Very graphic and shocking indite postcard size photo of skinny corpses of inmates $120.00 Read more about Very graphic and shocking indite postcard size photo of skinny corpses of inmates
Jewish - Very rare set of 4 letters regarding the release petition of a Polish Jewish prisoner of war! Jewish - Very rare set of 4 letters regarding the release petition of a Polish Jewish prisoner of war! $320.00 Read more about Jewish - Very rare set of 4 letters regarding the release petition of a Polish Jewish prisoner of war!