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Anti-Semitic party "Völkischer Block" elections' propaganda leaflet inviting the working class to vote against the Jewish businessmen that slave the workers, printed in the 20s, after Nazi party was banned after the "Putsch".

Jewish - Ghetto - Very nice photo of an old Jew in Poland in an unknown ghetto - It appears in the book by Norbert Podlesny and Daniel de Varannes "A Glimpse of Evil - Part I of a Trilogy"!

Der Sturmer - Rare ultra antisemitic leaflet handed out by "Der Sturmer" in the streets sharing anti Jewish message and explaining the aims of the newspaper and its position/intentions regarding politics and people

Anti Semitic - Jewish - 2 period photos taken from blackbords in the headquarters of 33. Reiterkompanie with cartoons representing anti-Semitic and racist messages

Anti Semitic - Jewish - Set of 4 texts with horrible anti-Semitic messages written by young girls from German school answering to this question: "Why should we be warned about the Jews?" - 1935

Anti Semitic - Jewish - Set of 4 texts with horrible anti-Semitic messages written by young girls from German school answering to this question: "Why should we be warned about the Jews?" - 1935

Outstanding set of documents to a couple of German Jews who escaped the Holocaust, including Jewish Kennkarte, Passport and other identity documents - man was a Jewish soldier in the German imperial army!

Anti-Semitic party "Völkischer Block" elections' propaganda leaflet inviting the working class to vote against the Jewish businessmen that slave the workers, printed in the 20s, after Nazi party was banned after the "Putsch".


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