Concentration Camp Uniform Jacket , Excellent Named Set After a Former Polish Inmate in KL Auschwitz and KL Buchenwald Who Survived! $12,800.00 0
Rare Book of the Former Auschwitz III - Monowitz Buna Werke Scientific Library With Ink Stamps $130.00 0
Rare Book of the Former Auschwitz III - Monowitz Buna Werke Scientific Library With Ink Stamps $130.00 0
Rare Book of the Former Auschwitz III - Monowitz Buna Werke Scientific Library With Ink Stamps $120.00 0
KL Dachau - Official SS Travel Costs Receipt Document Issued to SS Member - Filed in - 1943 $180.00 0
Polish Anti-Semitic Leaflet - Worker and peasant of Poland! Do not believe beautiful Jewish promises $230.00 0
Press Photo of "Der Sturmer" Tabloid Ad Point in the Streets of Germany With Anti-Semitic Slogan" $260.00 0
Letter Sent in 1940 by Anti-Semitic Tabloid "Der Sturmer" Office in Nuremberg Regarding Paper Saving $480.00 0
Private Taken Photo of the Breast of a Jacket of a Dutch Jew With the Star of David Attached $120.00 0
Polizeigefängnis - Prison in Brunn - Postcard send to prisoner in Polizeigefängnis Brunn 1943 $50.00 0
Letter From the Administration of the City of Vienna Regarding the Anti-Semitic Book "Hofjuden" 1939 $180.00 0
Number of the Official Organ of the SS "Das Schwarze Korps SS - Tabloid of the SS of NSDAP" 1939 $80.00 0
Number of the Official Organ of the SS "Das Schwarze Korps SS - Tabloid of the SS of NSDAP" 1938 $80.00 0
Certificate issued by a Polish machine manufacturer from Lublin to a man that was hired as sales representative - 1940 $60.00 0
Interesting bilingual certificate issued to a Pole from Zamosc as an employee of the "SPOLEM" consumer cooperative in Generalgouvernement - 1941 $80.00 0
German Anti-Semitic Poster With Quotation of Adolf Hitler About the Elimination of the Jews $180.00 0
Number of "Das Schwarze Korps SS - Tabloid of the SS of NSDAP" and "The Political Soldier" 1938 $100.00 0
Number of the Official Organ of the SS "Das Schwarze Korps SS - Tabloid of the SS of NSDAP" 1938 $70.00 0
WW II - Interesting follower and member of HHK ID card to a German boy made from canvas - 1942 $60.00 0
Work Certification Card Issued by Litzmannstadt Ghetto Jewish Council to a Jewish Woman 1941 $380.00 0
Number 25 of 1938 of the SS Official Organ "Das Schwarze Korps" - "People's Car or Strike Flag?" $100.00 0
Number of the Official Organ of the SS "Das Schwarze Korps SS - Tabloid of the SS of NSDAP" 1938 $80.00 0