German Nazi Magazine "The German Air Force" - With Foldable Poster With Ranks, Uniforms, etc $120.00 0
Forced Laborer - slave - Rare laminated ID factory pass for steel factory Meier & Weichelt issued to a polish forced laborer! $130.00 0
Number of the Official Organ of the SS "Das Schwarze Korps SS - Tabloid of the SS of NSDAP" 1938 $80.00 0
Number of the Official Organ of the SS "Das Schwarze Korps SS - Tabloid of the SS of NSDAP" 1939 $80.00 0
Letter Sent by "Der Sturmer" Publishing House to Dresdner Bank DAF Branch in Frankfurt in 1936 $530.00 0
Set of Documents to a Former Polish KL Dachau Prisoner - Envelopes, Repatriation Certificate, ID... $390.00 0
Promotional Document to Police Officer Who was in Warsaw Ghetto Liquidation! Signed by Kurt Daluege $1,100.00 0
2 Anti-Semitic Elections Propaganda Leaflets of the Volkischer Block Nazi Party "Jewish Question" $140.00 0
Photo showing 3 women with spades digging a pitch to bury the bodies of killed relatives in the East. $60.00 0
Graphic private taken photo showing a hanged partisan or collaborationist in the East by Germans during WW2. $100.00 0
Rare Book From the Scientific Library of Auschwitz III Monowitz Buna Werke With IG Farben Stamp $140.00 0
Prisoner of 4 different KL concentration camps - KL Stutthof , KL Sachsenhausen , KL Mauthausen and KL Dachau $320.00 0
Prisons - Set of 3 letters and document sent by a prisoner in Pilsen prison, in Czech Republic $220.00 0
Certificate card with Judenrat or Jewish council stamp issued to a woman from Kielce (Poland) who worked as Kitchen assistant - 1942 $160.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Very rare and curious doctor appointment paper only for Jews' treatment by Jewish doctor - 1940 $160.00 0
Judaica set of 4 unused tickets from kosher slaughterhouse - Jewish orthodox in Hungary and one Jewish recipt - 1937-1942 $220.00 0
Gratitude Certificate Issued by NS-People's Welfare Organisation to a Woman for His Work 1938 $50.00 0