KL Auschwitz Birkenau - Mega set of two registration photo of mother and daughter prisoners of the KL Auschwitz $600.00 0
KL Dachau - One of a kind set of a Polish priest who was imprisoned in Dachau and undergone medical experiments over 4 years ! Named and researched ! $4,600.00 0
Anti- Semitic - Ultra rare one of the rarest anti Jewish Nazi books for children published by Julius Streicher’s Stürmer Publishing House TRAU KEINEM FUCHS AUF GRUENER HEID UND KEINEM JUD BEI SEINEM EID $1,890.00 0
KL Dachau - inmate garments - Impressive worn condition inmate's cap used in a concentration camp Dachau ! $2,200.00 0
Anti- Semitic - Ultra rare Slovak version of the infamous anti-Semitic booklet "Der Untermensch"!!! $680.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Very rare Ghetto Litzmannstadt cigarette ration card for Jews! $100.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Voucher ( talon ) food from ghetto in Litzmannstad for poor of patients. $100.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Food ration card issued in the Ghetto Litzmannstadt for milk $130.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Very rare Ghetto Litzmannstadt cigarette ration card for Jews! $150.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Very rare Ghetto Litzmannstadt cigarette ration card for Jews! $120.00 0
KL Flossenburg - Delivery receipt of a parcel sent from central offices of Waffen SS in Oranienburg to KL Flossenburg - 1944 $150.00 0
Jewish - Very rare set of 4 letters regarding the release petition of a Polish Jewish prisoner of war! $320.00 0
Rubber truncheon like those used by German police and Kapos in German concentration camps or ghetto's $340.00 0
Ghetto - Very interesting Gestapo Posen document related to the seizure of a parcel of terrain that belonged to 3 Jewish brothers in Filehne $180.00 0
KL Ravensbrück - Set of rare letters sent by a Czech female inmate from KL Ravensbrück womens' camp and post-war insignia - 1942 $230.00 0
Super rare booklet of the "Der Ewige Jude" anti-Semitic exhibition in Germany (The Eternal Jew) 1938 $420.00 0
Holocaust - Jude - 2 x ultra rare photos of Jewish women from Krakau Ghetto cleaning up the railroad in Poland! $250.00 0
The nazis overprinted a German inflation note, the translation being : “ do not buy from Jews! “ $75.00 0
KL Bergen Belsen - Well known period press photo published after the war of commandant Josef Kramer - KL Bergen Belsen $130.00 0
WW2 concentration camp bowl marked Waffen SS like those used in Majdanek - Lublin inmate's - super rare $620.00 0
KL Bergen-Belsen - 6 Very graphic and explicit photos of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp $280.00 0
Holocaust - Jude - Old pocket book "Der Jude an der Ostgrenze" published in 1942 by the NSDAP $160.00 0
KL Gusen - Prisoner letter & envelope sent from concentration camp to family in 1940 . Postal error with date !! $140.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Great example of a postcard sent from KL Auschwitz by an inmate who die in 1942 $260.00 0
Holocaust - Jude - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish women ! With red "J" stamped! $620.00 0
KL Buchenwald - letter from concentration camp female prisoner sent to family from sub-camp of Kl Buchenwald ! $140.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Great example of a postcard sent from KL Auschwitz by an inmate who die in 1942 $260.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Letter sent to the public prosecutor's office register in Leitmeritz (Czech Rep.) regarding a prisoner in KL Auschwitz $230.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Very interesting set 2 letters sent from KL Auschwitz and Prison in Prague Pankrac $210.00 0
Judaica - Press discount copuon of the Supporting club of the "Antisemitenbund" or Anti-Semitic association $65.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Ultra rare and awesome document set with star of David of a German Jew who was in the Wehrmacht and then sent to 2 concentration camps!!! $3,300.00 0
WW 2 - NSDAP - Big unfoldable propaganda poster from "Die Parole der Woche" with anti-Semitic american propaganda $210.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - One-of-a-kind museum item! An original suitcase of a KL Theresienstadt deported Jew! $1,200.00 0