Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Sosnowitz - Very rare personal tram access ticket for a month to a Jewish men from ghetto Sosnowitz - 1941 $280.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Very rare postcard sent from Ghetto Theresienstadt to Ghetto Litzmannstadt about transfer money ! $350.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Warsaw - Very rare postcard sent from Ghetto Warsaw to Paris 1942 ! $500.00 0
Holocaust - Jude - Rare photo still in album-page removed from photo album depicting a Jew used as slave labor with text insulting him $100.00 0
Set of 8 immediate post-war photos of KL Dachau with explicit content - known photos of the liberation $460.00 0
Rare album photo sheet piece with 2 photos of Jews working in the construction of the mine roadway from Dubno to Rowno $140.00 0
Ultra rare postcard for KL Auschwtiz I - Stammlager inmate for first contact information for relatives!!! Dated 1940! Very low number ! He was murdered in camp ! $960.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of an orthodox Jew in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $50.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 2 old orthodox Jews from ghetto Sandomierz in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! Dated 1940 $70.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 4 Polish Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $120.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of an old Jew in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of an old Jew in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 2 old orthodox Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 2 old orthodox Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 6 Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of an orthodox Jew in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of an orthodox Jew and a woman in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 2 old orthodox Jews from ghetto Nowy Sacz in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $120.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 2 Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $50.00 0
Very rare money order sent to a Jew from Köln by the Jewish Council of Litzmannstadt Ghetto in 1944 $160.00 0
Judaic - Vintage rare Judaica Passover seder small white Glass with David star find in Litzmannstadt ! $180.00 0
Judaica - Holocaust - Set of 8 relic condition ground dug Jewish Hannukah dreidels found in KL Gross Rosen area! $180.00 0
Judaic - Rare old Zionist Jewish emblem with Menorah of the Betar "Joseph Trumpeldor Hebrew Youth Alliance" $360.00 0
Racial propaganda - Anti-Semitism - Rare Italian Fascist period magazine with racist and anti-Semitic content "La Difesa della Razza" (The Defense of the Race) - Nr. 5 $100.00 0
Racial propaganda - Anti-Semitism- Rare Italian Fascist period magazine with racist and anti-Semitic content "La Difesa della Razza" (The Defense of the Race) - Nr. 9 $100.00 0
Super scarce ground dug ID tag of a member of the SS - RuSHA - Race and Settlement Main Office of the SS in Berlin! $295.00 0
Impressive period photo of some prisoners (Poles or Jews) being taken by Wehrmach soliders near Ciepielow to be executed ? $120.00 0
Anti-Semitic pocket book "Das Judentum und die Schatten des Antichrist" written by Priest Gaston Ritter 1933 $130.00 0
Anti-Semitic propaganda - Super rare original still from the Notorious Film Der Ewige Jude / The Eternal Jew $380.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - JOOD version of the Jewish star of David. Dutch variation VERY RARE!!! $930.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Rare broken postcard type letter sent by inmate from KL Auschwitz Stammlager who escape from camp !!!! - 1942 $120.00 0
Holocaust - Judaica - Jude - Very old rationing card for food used in the Jewish ghetto in Litzmannstadt $150.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Birkenau - Mega rare set after nurse and victim pseudomedical experiments from Birkenau - High Red Cross medal Florence Nightingale with her name ! $3,400.00 0
Anti-Semitic propaganda - Book published by NSDAP on Jews in USA - Infamous anti-Jewish propaganda! $340.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Period music stave of a Jewish Ghetto song composed by Otto Stransky and Kurt Robitschek $140.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Juif - Utra rare French version of the Jew star of David with provenance information! $1,450.00 0