5 photos taken in a Austrian NSDAP party meeting with many political leaders and Austrian Gauleiter $230.00 0
Rare postcard depicting Engelbert Dollfuss Austrian dictator and some Jews surrounding him - Anti-Semitic and anti-Dollfus Nazi propaganda $130.00 0
WW 2 - Complete roll of 500 post pr-printed stamps of Hitler's official portraits 1942 from stamps machine!!! $130.00 0
Very nice photo-album of a member of an anti-aicraft Flak unit of the Luftwaffe! Very unique and interesting photo from Hitler's journey through Breisach 28 June 1940 $430.00 0
Photo album with photos from the RADwJ women's camp (Reichsarbeitsdienst weibliche Jugend) (Reich Labor Service of Young Women). $340.00 0
Private Taken Photo of Adolf Hitler Wearing his Military Uniform in the Front During the Campaign in Poland $220.00 0
Very early photo of the Nazi hierarchs in SA uniforms during a meeting or rally: Goering, Himmler, Roem - early 30's $220.00 0
WW 2 - Rare propaganda postcard that depicts a scene of the documentary "Der große Trek" where Himmler greets Volksdeutscher coming from Soviet Union $100.00 0
Very rare monthly magazine "FM-Zeitschrift" for members of the SS-Foerderndes Mitglieder or SS Patron Member association. Number 1 of the 4th year. 1937 $260.00 0
Impressive and complete photo album of a German U-Boot crew member of the 3. U-Flottille LOHS based in Kiel - 1938/39 $1,200.00 0
Really stunning private taken photo of Hitler with Generalfeldmarschall der Wehrmacht Werner von Blomberg and other army officers saluting Hitler $240.00 0
Really stunning private taken photo of Hitler with Generalfeldmarschall der Wehrmacht Werner von Blomberg and other army officers $260.00 0
Very interesting private taken and inedit postcard size photo of Dr. Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda minister of Hitler $130.00 0
2 very nice and inedit private taken photos of Rudolf Hess in his official car with his SS chauffeur! $150.00 0
Photos showing a German business butcher shop in Przemysl during III Reich forbidding the entry to Poles or Jewish $140.00 0
Very rare photo showing a pannel that indicates what hours did Jews have to buy in some Czech $100.00 0
Anti Semitic - Jewish - 2 period photos taken from blackbords in the headquarters of 33. Reiterkompanie with cartoons representing anti-Semitic and racist messages $140.00 0
Very rare photo showing a German business during III Reich forbidding the entry to Poles and making clear it was a "German business" during German occupation of Poland $100.00 0
Lebensborn - Ultra rare set of 3 photos coming from Lebensborn centre "Kinderheim Oberweis Ostmark" showing woman and children - 1943 $480.00 0
2 inedit photos of the Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler attending a concentration or meeting with Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski and in another visit wearing his SS dagger! $125.00 0
Huge compilaton of documents and photos to a German soldier before, during and just few after the war! $1,400.00 0
League of German Girls - Very interesting photo album written like a diary that belonged to a German woman of the League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel) $660.00 0
Very interesting and patriotic small photo album made by a Hollander with all the Rotterdam bombings of 1940 and also many Dutch Royal family photos! $520.00 0
List with type and place of camps ! - Very old and rare book immediate post-war published with Nürnberg trials information about Nazi concentration camps ! $280.00 0