Ultra rare first edition 1925 of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf that belonged to the high ranked SS-Obergruppenführer Friedrich Haselmayr!!! $5,800.00 0
Very rare anti-Semitic and racist foldable paper game that show some drawings of different races blaming Jews for war $250.00 0
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish man Max Israel Israel ! With red "J" stamped! $820.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Super rare Belgian anti-Semitic book "Joden Zijn Ook Menschen" by Jef Van de Wiele $380.00 0
Big size ultra rare poster in Czech with racist content showing USSR soldiers and citizens as subhumans!!! $1,200.00 0
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish women ! With red "J" stamped! $580.00 0
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish man ! With red "J" stamped! $580.00 0
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish women ! With red "J" stamped! $560.00 0
Anti-Semitic propaganda postcard unissued with message "Without a solution of the Jewish question, there's no salvation of humankind" and printed by SS main office $140.00 0
Anti-Semitic propaganda postcard unissued with message "Without a solution of the Jewish question, there's no salvation of humankind" $100.00 0
The anti-Semitic book by Henry Ford translated to German "Der internationale Jude" with ex-libris $260.00 0
Very interesting and rare letter from Landkreis Reichenberg sent to all the majors of the region regarding the obligation to register all the Jews that lived there $180.00 0
Set of 5 numbers of the ultra virulent anti-Semitic Der Stürmer newspapers! It's considered the most anti-Semitic newspaper of all times! $480.00 0
Ultra rare anti-Semitic sign with the message "Nicht hier" and the star of David forbidding the entrance of Jews to a place. Appears in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $4,300.00 0
Outstanding anti-Semitic "Juden unerwünscht" enamelled metal sign used to dissuade the Jews from entrering places during III Reich $3,800.00 0
Very nice Legion Condor version of the Black wounded badge used during Spanish Civil war. 2nd type. Made from spear $150.00 0
Rare wedding 1942 edition of Adolf Hitler's famous "Mein Kampf" in its presentation cardboard box and with Reichsbund Deutsche Familie Organisation greeting card! $280.00 0
Very rare "Wochenspruch der NSDAP" anti-Semitic propaganda poster with the infamous speech by Adolf Hitler talking about the annihilation of the Jewish race. $180.00 0
The Nazis overprinted a German inflation note, the translation being : “The Jewish pig, she laughs fat itself ! To us Germans, leaves such dirt (trash) Comrade come to Hitler " $120.00 0
The nazis overprinted a German inflation note, the translation being : “God, righteous again a new comet ( Geman Nazi party ) ! “ $160.00 0
The Nazis overprinted a German inflation note with a quote from communist and Jew Karl Liebknech $180.00 0
Rare and very interesting Nazi book for children indoctrination - " History for little people " -"Geschichte für kleine Leute" $180.00 0
Holocaust - Jude - Rare photo still in album-page removed from photo album depicting a Jew used as slave labor with text insulting him $100.00 0
Propaganda - Book about Nazi Racial theories "Kleine Rassenkunde des Deutschen Volkes" by Dr. Hans F.K. Günther - 3rd edition! $150.00 0
Rare album photo sheet piece with 2 photos of Jews working in the construction of the mine roadway from Dubno to Rowno $140.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of an orthodox Jew in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $50.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 2 old orthodox Jews from ghetto Sandomierz in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! Dated 1940 $70.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 4 Polish Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $120.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of an old Jew in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of an old Jew in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 2 old orthodox Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 2 old orthodox Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 6 Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of an orthodox Jew in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of an orthodox Jew and a woman in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 2 old orthodox Jews from ghetto Nowy Sacz in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $120.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 2 Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $50.00 0
Racial propaganda - Anti-Semitism - Rare Italian Fascist period magazine with racist and anti-Semitic content "La Difesa della Razza" (The Defense of the Race) - Nr. 5 $100.00 0
Racial propaganda - Anti-Semitism- Rare Italian Fascist period magazine with racist and anti-Semitic content "La Difesa della Razza" (The Defense of the Race) - Nr. 9 $100.00 0
French anti-Semitic pocket book "Jews and Americans. Kings of North Africa" written by André Chaumet $160.00 0
Anti-Semitic pocket book "Das Judentum und die Schatten des Antichrist" written by Priest Gaston Ritter 1933 $130.00 0
WW2 - NSDAP - Big unfold-able propaganda poster from "Die Parole der Woche" with a message of facts about their superiority in WW2 "Facts decide!" $180.00 0
Anti-Semitic propaganda - Super rare original still from the Notorious Film Der Ewige Jude / The Eternal Jew $380.00 0