Anti Semitic - Poor condition German version of the ultra racist and anti-Semitic pamphlet "Der Untermensch"!!! $280.00 0
Der Sturmer - Rare anti-Semitic 3Reich poster "Wenn Juden Lachen " publishing by the Sturmer publishig house ! $760.00 0
Ghetto of Warsaw - Very interesting booklet published in 1973 about the Ghetto of Warsaw and its liquidation (Stroop Report translation) - English language $110.00 0
Photos showing a German business butcher shop in Przemysl during III Reich forbidding the entry to Poles or Jewish $140.00 0
Very rare photo showing a pannel that indicates what hours did Jews have to buy in some Czech $100.00 0
Anti Semitic - Jewish - 2 period photos taken from blackbords in the headquarters of 33. Reiterkompanie with cartoons representing anti-Semitic and racist messages $140.00 0
Anti Semitic - Jewish - Set of 4 texts with horrible anti-Semitic messages written by young girls from German school answering to this question: "Why should we be warned about the Jews?" - 1935 $320.00 0
Anti Semitic - Jewish - Julius Streicher - Example of the infamous and violent anti-semitic tabloid "Der Stürmer" 1943 $150.00 0
Anti Semitic - Jewish - Set of 4 texts with horrible anti-Semitic messages written by young girls from German school answering to this question: "Why should we be warned about the Jews?" - 1935 $320.00 0
Anti Semitic - Weimar Republic era minted coin/medallion with an anti-Semitic message about usury - 1923 $70.00 0
Holocaust - Interesting set that belonged to a Jewish mother and son a genuine used condition JUDE star of David! $1,650.00 0
Outstanding set of documents to a couple of German Jews who escaped the Holocaust, including Jewish Kennkarte, Passport and other identity documents - man was a Jewish soldier in the German imperial army! $2,600.00 0
Anti-Semitic party "Völkischer Block" elections' propaganda leaflet inviting the working class to vote against the Jewish businessmen that slave the workers, printed in the 20s, after Nazi party was banned after the "Putsch". $110.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - JOOD version of the Jewish star of David. Dutch variation VERY RARE!!! $990.00 0
Der Stürmer - Rare ultra antisemitic leaflet handed out by "Der Stürmer" in the streets sharing anti Jewish message: "What plans world Jewry against Germany?" $180.00 0
Anti Semitic - Freemasonry - Super rare invitation card to a speech given by a member of the NSDAP in 1932 about the secrets of the freemasonry! Look at the prohibition to the Jews to attend the speech! $140.00 0
Der Sturmer - Super rare letter sent by "Der Stürmer" ultra antisemitic newspaper central office in Nuremberg to a soldier in the front with virulent antisemitic message! $320.00 0
Aryan - Interesting certificate issued to a Wehrmacht NCO that certifies he has proved his aryan origins $100.00 0
Anti Semitic - Jewish - Weimar Republic era minted coin/medallion with an anti-Semitic message about usury - 1923 $70.00 0
"Der Stürmer" - Postcard sent from Nürnberg in 1943 with a picture of Julius Streicher -Schule !!! $100.00 0
Anti-Semitic pocket book "Das Judentum und die Schatten des Antichrist" written by Priest Gaston Ritter. $120.00 0
5 periodicals "Ludendorffs Halbmonatsschrift" from General Erich von Ludendorff and his wife Dr. Mathilde Ludendorff. Year 1935 -1938 $70.00 0
Ultra rare edition of "Mein Kampf" in Japanese! One of the rarest versions to find and almost impossible to come across! $1,200.00 0
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish women Elly Sara Koh from Berlin ! With red "J" stamped $580.00 0
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish women Rosa Sara Koh from Stettin ! With red "J" stamped $560.00 0
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish girl high school student Herta Rosa Louise Gerstmann from Viena ! With red "J" stamped $480.00 0
Jewish - Antisemitic - Very rare Kennkarte issued to a Jew from Hamburg using the J type Kennkarte - 1939!! $520.00 0
Judaica - Rare booklet entitled "Disabilities of the Jews in Germany. Report of the protest meeting at the Queen's Hall" 1933 $100.00 0
Judaica - Very interesting book entitled "Die Judengesetze Großdeutschlands" - "The Jewish Laws of Greater Germany" $100.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Forbidden to Jews ( Voor Joden verboden ) panel from Feitsma banned Jewish from publick places in Holland ! $2,850.00 0
6 periodicals "Ludendorffs Halbmonatsschrift" from General Erich von Ludendorff and his wife Dr. Mathilde Ludendorff. Year 1939 $85.00 0
Anti Semitic - Jewish - Set of 3 texts with horrible anti-Semitic messages written by young girls from German school answering to this question: "Why should we be warned about the Jews?" - 1935 $280.00 0
Anti Semitic - Jewish - Julius Streicher - Very rare letter sent from "Der Stürmer" publishing house regarding a year subscription of a company in Iserthal - 1939 $320.00 0
Anti Semitic - Jewish - Julius Streicher - Example of the infamous and violent anti-semitic tabloid "Der Stürmer" 1937 $150.00 0
Anti Semitic - Jewish - Julius Streicher - Example of the infamous and violent anti-semitic tabloid "Der Stürmer" 1936 $150.00 0
Interesting set of 5 different dossiers/index cards related to ethnic Germans from Litzmannstadt regarding membership in DAF, NSDAP and Arian origins - 1940 $220.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Very rare and scarce postcard sent by a Jewish woman from Berlin to another Jew who lived in Paris - 1942 $130.00 0
Set of 5 numbers of the ultra virulent anti-Semitic Der Stürmer newspapers! It's considered the most anti-Semitic newspaper of all times! $460.00 0
Anti Semitic - Jewish - Example of the infamous and violent anti-semitic tabloid "Der Stürmer" 1937 $150.00 0