NSDAP - Big unfold-able propaganda poster "Die Parole der Woche" Battle of the Atlantic and U-Boot $120.00 1
French Book "We Smiled Anyway. Stories From 1939 to 1944" by Roger Feral 1945 Compilation of Jokes $30.00 1
Czech Version of the Information Brochure for Visitors to the Berlin Summer Olympics of 1936 $70.00 1
German Propaganda Big Poster of the Berlin Summer Olympics 1936 - "Injured Sports Comrades" $260.00 1
Adolf Hitler's Electoral Propaganda Leaflet "There's Only One Decision: Hitler Will be President!" $100.00 1
German Advertising Leaflet With Sypris of 2 Books "Hunger Sermon" and "The Whitewashed Tomb" $50.00 1
Book Written in Polish "Criminals of Humanity. The Great Betrayal of England to Europe" 1940 $80.00 1
German Anti-Communist Book "Terroristm and Communism. A Contribution to the History of Revolution" $100.00 1
36th SS-Standarte Danzig, posing for an official photo - "Gdansk remains German, in July-August 1933 $180.00 1
French Book Tome I of the Collection "The French Army in The War. From Chad to the Rhin" Post War $40.00 1
"The Leader Monthly Sheet by "Leaders and Aiders of the Working Youth Movement" Supporting AH $60.00 1