3 Different Advertisement Leaflets of Illustrierter Beobachter Book "AH. A Man and His People" $140.00 1
3 Different Years Calendars of "The Poor Conrad" of Proletarian Movement Background - 1922,1929,1933 $40.00 1
German Magazine "The Social Democrat. Monthly Magazine of the Org. Vienna" - Number of April 1926 $30.00 1
3 Different Years Calendars of "The Poor Conrad" of Proletarian Movement Background - 1929,1930,1932 $40.00 1
Rare Poster Informing in German-Russian-Ukrainian About Damaging Wehrmacht Facility and Punishment $230.00 1
Anti Semitic - German Communist Party KPD Political Propaganda Leaflet "To the German Working People!" $80.00 1
German Anti-Russian War Propaganda Booklet "Stalin Gave Order to Destroy, Burn & Blow Up Properties" $60.00 1
Special Nazi Magazine Number of the "Nationalblatt" for the Fest of the "Saartreuekundgebung" $130.00 1
Number of the Newspaper "Die Junge Garde" Organ of the German Communist Youth - 1924 - Nr. 18 $100.00 1
Early Period Newspaper of NSDAP in Hesses-Nassau "Die Freiheits Fahne" - 1926 - Nr. 7 Very Rare $130.00 1
6 Different Nazi Propaganda Posters With Adolf Hitler Patriotic Quotes of Different Speeches $110.00 1
German Booklet by Dr. Rolf Bathe "The Collapse. A Word Against the Lie of the Stab on the Back" $20.00 1
German Book by Friedrich Engels Entitled "Ludwig Feuerbach and the Exit of the Classical Philosophy" $60.00 1
General Ludenforf's Newspaper "Ludendorffs Halbmonatschrift" Advertisement Poster For Nr. 7 in 1938 $220.00 1
General Ludenforf's Newspaper "Ludendorffs Halbmonatschrift" Advertisement Poster For Nr. 9 in 1938 $220.00 1