Lithuanian call/notification poster of German occupation authorities regarding the money collection $120.00 1
Excellent Electoral Propaganda Poster Against Hitler "What Does Working Class Need?" 1932 $1,600.00 1
Big German Poster for the Occupied Territories of Czech Republic "Appeal to the Population" $260.00 1
French Booklet With All Regulations Regarding the Entry of Pupils in the French Navy During WW2 $30.00 1
French Booklet With the Speech Given by Nazi Minister of Foreign Affairs About Axis Alliance 1943 $30.00 1
Leaflet with instructions for German troops that went through Rome regarding residence find in diff $70.00 1
German Book "The Free City of Danzig. Nature, Culture and History of the Free State" Fritz Braun $70.00 1
Period book by Dr. Walther Scheunemann "Der Nationalsozialismus. Quellenkritische Studie............ $30.00 1
NSDAP - Big unfold-able propaganda poster from "Die Parole der Woche" with an aggressive message $100.00 1
Nazi Notification Poster for Czech Population "Czech Fellow Citizens! Self-Protection Measures" $80.00 1
British propaganda - 3 x pieces of British made propaganda in German areas to demoralize soldiers $30.00 1
Huge German Notification Poster for Occupied Czech Republic - City of Pilsen - Fuel Purchase Limit $380.00 1