KL Mauthausen - Rare document sent by KL Mauthausen Kommandantur to KriPo office in Nürnberg regarding a prisoner transfer to KL Auschwitz - 1944 $320.00 0
KL Buchenwald - 2 empty envelopes with missing letters sent by a Czech prisoner in KL Buchenwald to his wife in 1941 $130.00 0
KL Dachau - Rare document sent KL Dachau Kommandantur to KriPo office in Nürnberg regarding a prisoner transfer to KL Neuengamme - 1941 $320.00 0
KL Mauthausen and KL Stutthof - 2 rare documents sent to KriPo office in Nürnberg regarding same prisoner transfers to other prisons or camps - Document hand signed by KL Mauthasen Kommandant Franz Ziereis and KL Stutthof Kriminal-Sekretar Erich Thum $1,600.00 0
KL Flossenburg - Rare document sent KL Flossenburg Kommandantur to KriPo office in Nürnberg regarding a prisoner transfer to KL Gross-Rosen, who died some days later - 1941 $240.00 0
Judaica - Letter from Jewish officer soldier from Oflag VI C officers camp in Osnabrücker sent to Serbia . Very rare Judenpost 1942 $320.00 0
Ghetto Vilna - Document from Chief of the Police of the Ghetto of Vilnius about the liberation of a prisoner - 1943 $320.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Good example of postcard-letter sent by inmate from KL Auschwitz - 1942 He was killed 3 month later ! $220.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Letter sent by a Polish inmate in KL Auschwitz - Birkenau to his sister in Przeworsk - 1943. $130.00 0
KL Mauthausen - Gusen - Letter sent by a Polish inmate in KL Gusen to his wife in Posen - 1943. $130.00 0
KL Buchenwald - Rare postcard type letter sent in 1940 by Austrian inmate from KL Buchenwald to his wife $130.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Letter sent by a Polish inmate in KL Auschwitz I to his wife in Wartheland- 1943. $110.00 0
KL Sachsenhausen - Rare prisoner transfer certificate receipt sent from KL Sachsenhausen to Gestapo office in Litzmannstadt - 1944 $480.00 0
KL Buchenwald - Postcard type letter sent in 1941 by Czech inmate from KL Buchenwald to a relative $100.00 0
KL Dachau - Ultra rare and super scarce postcard type inmate letter sent from KL Dachau in 1937! $480.00 0
Litzmannstadt - Rare postcard sent by a Jewish woman from Berlin to the Elder of the Jews of the Ghetto in Lodz, the famous Chaim Rumkowski, head of the Judenrat! 1941 $270.00 0