WW 2 - Two terrible and very graphic photos of soldiers or civilians dead and frozen laying on the ground $70.00 1
Litzmannstadt Radogoszcz Prison - 3 Photos of Civilians Charred Inside a Building - War Crime $480.00 1
Set of Documents of a Czech Female Prisoner in Police Prison in Theresienstadt - Small Fortress $1,100.00 1
WW2 - Interesting set with documents issued just after the war shortly after the war was over in 1945 $220.00 1
WW II - Set of 3 documents issued to a former Polish POW one from Stalag III-B Furstenberg and two immediate post-war ! $110.00 1
Nazi Informative Poster for Czech Population About the Execution of a Man for Poisoning his Lover $320.00 1
Nazi Informative Poster for Czech Population About the Execution of a Man for Stealing Grain $320.00 1
Rare lot of 5 documents to a Wehrmacht soldier who was punished with 1 year of imprisonment!! And release document! $380.00 1
French Booklet "Photographic Collection of the Missing From the Bas-Rhin Victims of Germans..."Many photos $320.00 1
Set of 6 Photos of the Inhumation Process of Murdered German Ethnic People in Poland in 1939 $160.00 1
German War Period Notice Leaflet About the Execution of 40 Hostages in Ukrainian City of Romny $230.00 1
German Booklet ! Called "Tragedy in Warsaw" About the Tragic Destruction of the City in 1944 by Germans $220.00 1
WW 2 - Extremely graphic set of 7 x private photos of corpses of concentration camp inmates found in a mass grave! $460.00 1
Very Rare Death Certificate Letter to Widow of Deceased Pole in Debica 1942 Pustkow SS Camp near Debica ( $280.00 1
Rare Huge Notification Poster for Local Population of Terboven ( Norway )During Nazi Occupation 1941 $680.00 1