Two Promotional Documents to Police Officer was in Warsaw Ghetto Liquidation! Signed by Joachim Petsch $2,100.00 1
Door plaque for a member of the Nazi member of the KdF Room for KDF “Strength through Joy” Approved – Gau Saarpfalz” $130.00 1
Nazi Commemorative Metope Metal Medallion of Adolf Hitler as Rebuilder of Germany 1933 - BIG $420.00 1
"Deutsche Agropolitik" magazine with rural and agrarian contents - Number 1 of october 1943 $100.00 1
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish man ! With red "J" stamped! $540.00 1
Super huge set of documents to a young boy from HJ leter soldier of the Wehrmacht later prisoner of war in Canada and of his father! $1,100.00 1
Very nice promotion proposal document to a captain of the SchuPo signed personally by Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler! original hand signature!!! 1940 $990.00 1
WW 2 - Nice Iron Cross 1st class award notification to an Unteroffizier of the Wehrmacht in 1941 $65.00 1