Anti Semitic - Set of 3 pages that contain and explain in French the different anti-Jewish ordinances $280.00 1
Rare Belgian Propaganda Postcard of the Waffen SS "Wallonie" Legion to Join Them as Volunteer $330.00 1
Nazi Patriotic Postcard With the Iron Cross 2nd Class "Only One Can Win And That Is Us" 1942 $50.00 1
Anti Semitic - Nice empty envelope with two ink stamps of infamous anti-Semitic "Der ewige Jude" exhibition in Munchen - 1937 $85.00 1
Anti Semitic - Nice empty envelope with two ink stamps of infamous anti-Semitic "Der ewige Jude" exhibition in Munchen - 1937 sent like register letter . $100.00 1
Official notice from the Oberfeldkommandantur in Charleroi about the prohibition of any participation of Jews in the reopening of the Royal Theatre in Namur and list of theatre plays to be plaid- 1940 $360.00 1
Set of 8 Postcards Collection Representing Buildings All Over the Reich and Occupied Poland $120.00 1
2 Feldpost Postcards Sent From the Front by a Soldier - Postcards With Luftwaffe Theme Drawings $80.00 1
Rare Serbian period commemorative stamp collection with anti-Semitic messages on issue envelope written in cyrilic - issued in 1942 $100.00 1
Circulated Postcard With Photo Of Adolf Hitler Witnessing The Parade In Nuremberg Reichsparteitag $80.00 0
WW2 - Trilogy about German persecution during the WW2 " A Glimpse of Evil " Part I / Trilogy - New book - $50.00 986
Anti Semitic - Nice empty envelope with different ink stamps of infamous anti-Semitic "Der ewige Jude" exhibition - 1937 $75.00 1
Belgian anti-Semitic pamphlet with a supposed masterplan of the Jewry to control the world causing wars with obscure intentions $320.00 1
Anti Semitic - Very nice set of 3 documents written in French and issued by German authorities with the anti-Jewish ordinances issued since 1940 to 1942 $220.00 1
Rare document about the Jewish director of the Royal Theatre in Brussels and the prohibition of Jewish plays since the reopening issued of the theatre in Namur - 1940 $160.00 1
Document sent by the Military Commander in Belgium and Northern France to the Propaganda department in Brussels regarding the prohibition of the opening of a theatre in Turnai because the director was a Jew - 1941 $220.00 1
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish man ! With red "J" stamped! $540.00 1
Kl Bergen Belsen - Super rare and unique set of a British doctor who took part in the liberation of KL Bergen-Belsen! With of provenance from relatives! $2,800.00 1
Super huge set of documents to a young boy from HJ leter soldier of the Wehrmacht later prisoner of war in Canada and of his father! $1,100.00 1