German Book "German Forefront in the East. Picture Book About the GG" by Helmut Gauweiler 1941 $280.00 1
Rare and Unique Book With Text and Illustrations Self-made by Former POW Telling The Experience $680.00 1
Book Recovered From the Former Scientific Library of IG Farben Buna Werke - Auschwitz III Monowitz $160.00 1
Set of 5 Numbers of Occupied France Period Anti-Semitic Tabloid "Au Pilori" Dated in the Early 40s $120.00 1
Anti-Plutocrat Belgian Newspaper "Gazette of the Ardennes" - Number 62 "The Profitable War" 1918 $90.00 1
2 rare German informative sheets in German and Czech to inform about the hours Jews could go shopping in Aryan shops in Klattau (Czech Repulic) - 1940 and 1941 $480.00 1
Book in German "The Military-Political Revolution of National Socialism" by Major Walter Jost $120.00 1
German Ultra-Anti Semitic Tabloid "Der Sturmer" Published by Julius Streicher - N. 28 - 1944 $150.00 1
Nazi Propaganda Poster "Bilder der Woche" - Nr. 81 - Year 1941 - "Artillery - Ready For Use Anywhere $100.00 1
Nazi Propaganda Poster "Bilder der Woche" - Nr. 50 - Year 1940 - "Weser/Elbe Paths to World Ocean" $80.00 1
Nazi Propaganda Poster "Bilder der Woche" - Nr. 109 - Year 1941 - "RK Bearers in Luftwaffe" $130.00 1
German Illustrated Magazine "Volk und Reich" - Nr. 10 - 1939 - Entitled "Victory in Poland" $100.00 1
Book "Soldiers' Faith, Soldiers' Honor. A German Breviary For Hitler's Soldiers" by M.Ziegler 1940 $30.00 1