Number 224 of Nazi Newspaper "Der Angriff" - Edition About the Liberation of Mussolini in Gran Sasso $30.00 0
Set of Documents to a Russian Citizen in Litzmannstadt Regarding His Polish Nationality 1944 $90.00 0
Document of the Jewish Organization in Warsaw Confirming Reception of Some Medicines in 1941 $120.00 0
Polish Anti-Semitic Wartime Leaflet to Avoid Typhus Infection and Connecting it With Jews - Jews Lice Typhus!!!! $520.00 0
Set of Documents Belonging to a Polish Jew from Wieliczka City - Pre-war and Occupation Period $730.00 0
1 Number Period Leaflet With Reproduction of the Cover of "Der Sturmer" Number 1 Special Number 1923 $380.00 0
Very Rare III Reich Period Issued Passport to a Jewish Woman Who Emigrated to Chile in 1939 $580.00 0
U- Boot German Submarine Ship Machinery Metal Plaques to Identify Different Panels Controls Onboard $220.00 0
2nd Special Big Number of German Magazine "Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung" - Olympia Berlin 1936 $60.00 0
KL Posen - Fort VII - Great set of papers to a man who was taken to concentration camp - He died there! $320.00 0
Nazi Electoral Propaganda Leaflet "German Comrades! Take Support From the System! Vote AH!" $120.00 0
German Violent Anti-Semitic Propaganda Leaflet "Down With Judah! Boycott the Jews Economically!" $220.00 0
Nazi Electoral Propaganda Leaflet Called "Germany Awake!" - "The Swamp of SPD: Marxism,Jewry" $80.00 0
Invitation Leaflet to an Anti-Semitic Cultural Meeting "Judah & Rome & The German People's Creation" $80.00 0
Ultra Anti-Semitic Propaganda Leaflet "Scrape-off! Jewish Business Monopoly! All Against Jews!" $260.00 0
Very Rare III Reich Period Blueprint or Design of the Construction of a Guesthouse in Ptakowitz $60.00 0