KL Auschwitz -Birkenau letter sent from KL Birkenau concentration camp prisoner women to family 1943 ! $220.00 0
KL Dachau - subcamp KL Bad Tolz - Prisoner letter sent from concentration camp to family 1944 $120.00 0
WW 2 - Historically important set of the former KL Dora-Mittelbau concentration camp prisoner René Lambrechts! $620.00 0
WW 2 - Rare book antisemitic - "Das Weltjudentum: Organisation, Macht und Politik" about the International Jewry and his power, poltics and organisation 1942 $220.00 0
Holocaust - Anti Semitic - Rare anti-Semitic book "Gibt es Jüdische Ritual-Morde" about the so-called Jewish ritual murder 1934 $260.00 0
WW 2 - Big set of documents of a Pole from Bromberg who was movilised during war time for the rare Wehrmannschaft! $220.00 0
KL Lublin Majdanek - Concentration camp bowl marked Waffen SS like those used in Majdanek - Lublin inmate's - super rare $420.00 0
WW2 German Nazi very rare HITLER YOUTH cased projector, complete with accessories Hitlerjugend HJ $895.00 0
Ground dug knuckle-duster used by German soldiers and Polizei and also camp guards to punish inmates $80.00 0
Buchenwald SS hospital - Rare document dated 1943 dealing with an ID tag of an SS in Weimar-Buchenwald SS Lazarett $280.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Original hydraulics book coming from the former library of Auschwitz III Monowitz IG Farbenindustrie plant $80.00 0
WW 2 - ID card to a Pole who was used as slave laborer in Hamburg to identify himself in slave camp $80.00 0
Holocaust - Ghetto - Jude - Impressive period photo of the entrance to a big Jewish ghetto in Warsaw ! $160.00 0
WW 2 - Rare propaganda postcard that depicts a scene of the documentary "Der große Trek" where Himmler greets Volksdeutscher coming from Soviet Union $100.00 0
Postcard of SS Feldpost sent by a Police of the Polizei Batallion 301 who was kill at least 3000 victims ! $120.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Rare pair of documents of a KL Auschwitz guard related to the exams he passed for driving license for motorcycles dated 1944 $780.00 0
WW2 - Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - JOOD version of used the Jewish star of David. Dutch variation VERY RARE!!! $995.00 0
WW2 - Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Holocaust - Awesome used condition JUDE Star of David that belonged to a German Jewish women ! $1,100.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Great example of a postcard sent from KL Auschwitz by an inmate who die in 1942 $220.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Holocaust - Great example of a letter sent from Auschwitz by an inmate in 1944 $180.00 0
WW 2 - Amazing set to the U-657 U-Boot kapitän Heinrich Göllnitz!! Died in 1943 in Cape Farewell! $1,950.00 0
Gorgeous Spanish cross in bronze with swords of a Legion Condor pilot!!! Maker: Paul Meybauer, Berlin $850.00 0
Wonderful studio portrait of an SS-Sturmann of the Allgemeine-SS wearing the iconic black uniform! $39.00 0
WW 2 - Forced laborer - Slave - Rare factory ID pass to a Polish slave laborer that worked in one of the Hermann Göring Werke factories in Poland $130.00 0
WW 2 - Holocaust - Jude - Jewish - Juif - Rare French anti-Semitic book "We have to become again Jew is the virus" 1942 $260.00 0
WW 2 - Impressive and rare set belonging to a crew member of the infamous "Cap Ancona" ocean liner. The ship was sunk by Royal Air Force killing about 5000 people most of KZ prisoners $420.00 0
KL Grini concentration camp in Norway - After Norwegian sailor who competed in the 1912 Summer Olympics - Very nice handmade wooden box of a former inmate of the KL Grini near Oslo ! $480.00 0
WW 2- Holocaust - Amazing set of 5 original and inedit photos of Jews or Gypsies during deportation!!! $720.00 0
WW 2 - Very rare big bilingual poster with the message of Seyss-Inquart when he was appointed Reichskomissar in the Netherlands!!! $280.00 0
Concentration camp - Holocaust - Shocking portrait of a former Belgian inmate of a concentration camp $160.00 0
KL Neuengamme sub capm Drütte - Post receipt for sent packet to an SS in sub camp of KL Neuengamme $60.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Holocaust - Great example of a letter sent from Auschwitz by an inmate in 1943 block 17 ( quarantine block ) $180.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Holocaust - Great example of a letter sent from Auschwitz by an inmate in 1944 $180.00 0
WW 2 - Nice set of a Hitler-Jugend boy: HJ service booklet and a period photo of the school $120.00 0
WW 2- Forced laborer - Slave - Great and rare set to a Polish forced laborer including Ausweis for Lager and 2 period pics while working! $110.00 1
Awesome genuine KL Buchenwald inmate pants, clogs and ID card to the same Polish political prisoner! $3,800.00 0
WW 2 - Period book: "Hermann Göring: Werk und Mensch" dedicated by colleagues to a chief in Reischsbahndirektion of Posen $220.00 0