Book "Building bridges over death" Waffen SS Issue Book "Building bridges over death" Waffen SS Issue $60.00 Read more about Book "Building bridges over death" Waffen SS Issue
German WWII Nazi Polizei Traffic Law Book, 1940 German WWII Nazi Polizei Traffic Law Book, 1940 $180.00 Read more about German WWII Nazi Polizei Traffic Law Book, 1940
German WWII Book "Der Parteitag der Freiheit" - (The party congress of the liberty) 1936 German WWII Book "Der Parteitag der Freiheit" - (The party congress of the liberty) 1936 $130.00 Read more about German WWII Book "Der Parteitag der Freiheit" - (The party congress of the liberty) 1936
Interesting period anti-Semitic book "De Joden in Nederland" (Jews in Holland). Interesting period anti-Semitic book "De Joden in Nederland" (Jews in Holland). $180.00 Read more about Interesting period anti-Semitic book "De Joden in Nederland" (Jews in Holland).
Book about astrology science, occultism and mysticism "Hakenkreuz und Davidstern" - 1922 Book about astrology science, occultism and mysticism "Hakenkreuz und Davidstern" - 1922 $120.00 Read more about Book about astrology science, occultism and mysticism "Hakenkreuz und Davidstern" - 1922
Artilleristisches Merkheft - Artillerie Regiment 33 Notebook about Artillery science and notions. Number 11 of 1940 Artilleristisches Merkheft - Artillerie Regiment 33 Notebook about Artillery science and notions. Number 11 of 1940 $25.00 Read more about Artilleristisches Merkheft - Artillerie Regiment 33 Notebook about Artillery science and notions. Number 11 of 1940
Ultra rare book "Der Giftpilz" (The Poisonous Mushroom), one of the most anti-Semitic books ever published aimed to children! Ultra rare book "Der Giftpilz" (The Poisonous Mushroom), one of the most anti-Semitic books ever published aimed to children! $1,950.00 Read more about Ultra rare book "Der Giftpilz" (The Poisonous Mushroom), one of the most anti-Semitic books ever published aimed to children!
Book entitled "Waffenbrüder Finnland. Ein Buch fur die deutschen Soldaten in Finnland" - 1942 Book entitled "Waffenbrüder Finnland. Ein Buch fur die deutschen Soldaten in Finnland" - 1942 $100.00 Read more about Book entitled "Waffenbrüder Finnland. Ein Buch fur die deutschen Soldaten in Finnland" - 1942
Post-Spanish Civil War book "Deutsche kaempfen in Spanien" about Legion Condor participation 1939 Post-Spanish Civil War book "Deutsche kaempfen in Spanien" about Legion Condor participation 1939 $120.00 Read more about Post-Spanish Civil War book "Deutsche kaempfen in Spanien" about Legion Condor participation 1939
Rare booklet "The Story of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Meaning nad Message" published to commemorate the 10th anniversary in 1953. English. Rare booklet "The Story of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Meaning nad Message" published to commemorate the 10th anniversary in 1953. English. $85.00 Read more about Rare booklet "The Story of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Meaning nad Message" published to commemorate the 10th anniversary in 1953. English.
The anti-Semitic book by Henry Ford translated to German "Der internationale Jude" with hard cover. The anti-Semitic book by Henry Ford translated to German "Der internationale Jude" with hard cover. $190.00 Read more about The anti-Semitic book by Henry Ford translated to German "Der internationale Jude" with hard cover.
1944 year's compilation of III Reich public trustee's published official notifications for the use in the publich service 1944 year's compilation of III Reich public trustee's published official notifications for the use in the publich service $90.00 Read more about 1944 year's compilation of III Reich public trustee's published official notifications for the use in the publich service
Anti- Semitic - Ultra rare one of the rarest anti Jewish Nazi books for children published by Julius Streicher’s Stürmer Publishing House Anti- Semitic - Ultra rare one of the rarest anti Jewish Nazi books for children published by Julius Streicher’s Stürmer Publishing House $2,300.00 Read more about Anti- Semitic - Ultra rare one of the rarest anti Jewish Nazi books for children published by Julius Streicher’s Stürmer Publishing House
Anti Semitic - French language anti-Semitic book "Les Juifs aussi sont des hommes!" (Jews are men too!) by Jef van de Wiele Anti Semitic - French language anti-Semitic book "Les Juifs aussi sont des hommes!" (Jews are men too!) by Jef van de Wiele $320.00 Read more about Anti Semitic - French language anti-Semitic book "Les Juifs aussi sont des hommes!" (Jews are men too!) by Jef van de Wiele
Rare period anti-semitic and anti-christian booklet "Christentum doch Judentum" by Rudolf Hammer Rare period anti-semitic and anti-christian booklet "Christentum doch Judentum" by Rudolf Hammer $130.00 Read more about Rare period anti-semitic and anti-christian booklet "Christentum doch Judentum" by Rudolf Hammer
Rare and interesting special anti-Semitic issue of the publication "Schulingsdients der Hitler-Jugend" dedicated to the Jews in Great Britain - 1940 Rare and interesting special anti-Semitic issue of the publication "Schulingsdients der Hitler-Jugend" dedicated to the Jews in Great Britain - 1940 $180.00 Read more about Rare and interesting special anti-Semitic issue of the publication "Schulingsdients der Hitler-Jugend" dedicated to the Jews in Great Britain - 1940
Old German Pharmacopeia book of 1926 re-issued in 1941 under the III Reich Old German Pharmacopeia book of 1926 re-issued in 1941 under the III Reich $130.00 Read more about Old German Pharmacopeia book of 1926 re-issued in 1941 under the III Reich
Very rare field dictionary German-Turkestanisch made by Oberkommando der Wehrmacht for soldiers in the Eastern Campaign - 1943 Very rare field dictionary German-Turkestanisch made by Oberkommando der Wehrmacht for soldiers in the Eastern Campaign - 1943 $130.00 Read more about Very rare field dictionary German-Turkestanisch made by Oberkommando der Wehrmacht for soldiers in the Eastern Campaign - 1943
Anti-communist propaganda booklet "Warum Krieg mit Stalin?" (Why war with Stalin?) - 1941 Anti-communist propaganda booklet "Warum Krieg mit Stalin?" (Why war with Stalin?) - 1941 $130.00 Read more about Anti-communist propaganda booklet "Warum Krieg mit Stalin?" (Why war with Stalin?) - 1941
Anti Semitic - Very interesting french anti-semitic newspaper "Je Suis Partout"- "I'm everywhere" : special issue 1938 Anti Semitic - Very interesting french anti-semitic newspaper "Je Suis Partout"- "I'm everywhere" : special issue 1938 $180.00 Read more about Anti Semitic - Very interesting french anti-semitic newspaper "Je Suis Partout"- "I'm everywhere" : special issue 1938
Propaganda issue "Die Burg : Vierteljahresschrift des Instituts für Deutsche Ostarbeit Krakau", with different type of cultural content. 4 numbers - 1941/42 Propaganda issue "Die Burg : Vierteljahresschrift des Instituts für Deutsche Ostarbeit Krakau", with different type of cultural content. 4 numbers - 1941/42 $230.00 Read more about Propaganda issue "Die Burg : Vierteljahresschrift des Instituts für Deutsche Ostarbeit Krakau", with different type of cultural content. 4 numbers - 1941/42
Period biographical book "Generalfeldmarschall von Mackensen. Ein Leben der Pflicht" by Ruedt von Collenberg Period biographical book "Generalfeldmarschall von Mackensen. Ein Leben der Pflicht" by Ruedt von Collenberg $70.00 Read more about Period biographical book "Generalfeldmarschall von Mackensen. Ein Leben der Pflicht" by Ruedt von Collenberg
Book about the Wehrmacht campaign in Poland "Unser Kampf in Polen" - 1939 Book about the Wehrmacht campaign in Poland "Unser Kampf in Polen" - 1939 $55.00 Read more about Book about the Wehrmacht campaign in Poland "Unser Kampf in Polen" - 1939
Rare French anti-Semitic propaganda with nice cover showing JUIF star of David for French Jews Rare French anti-Semitic propaganda with nice cover showing JUIF star of David for French Jews $220.00 Read more about Rare French anti-Semitic propaganda with nice cover showing JUIF star of David for French Jews
Anti-Semitic book in French "Le Bolchevisme et la Plutocratie Anglo-Juive" (The Bolchevism and the Anglo-Jewish Plutocracy) Anti-Semitic book in French "Le Bolchevisme et la Plutocratie Anglo-Juive" (The Bolchevism and the Anglo-Jewish Plutocracy) $110.00 Read more about Anti-Semitic book in French "Le Bolchevisme et la Plutocratie Anglo-Juive" (The Bolchevism and the Anglo-Jewish Plutocracy)
Luftwaffe - biography of one of the biggest aces of German Luftwaffe and one of the most decorated war pilots of all times, Werner Mölders 1942 Luftwaffe - biography of one of the biggest aces of German Luftwaffe and one of the most decorated war pilots of all times, Werner Mölders 1942 $120.00 Read more about Luftwaffe - biography of one of the biggest aces of German Luftwaffe and one of the most decorated war pilots of all times, Werner Mölders 1942
III Reich period propaganda book "Ewiges Deutschland: Ein deutsches Hausbuch" (Eternal Germany) published by Winterhilfswerk - 1939 III Reich period propaganda book "Ewiges Deutschland: Ein deutsches Hausbuch" (Eternal Germany) published by Winterhilfswerk - 1939 $80.00 Read more about III Reich period propaganda book "Ewiges Deutschland: Ein deutsches Hausbuch" (Eternal Germany) published by Winterhilfswerk - 1939
Jewish - 2 numbers of "Der Jude", a monthly magazine in German published until 1928 Jewish - 2 numbers of "Der Jude", a monthly magazine in German published until 1928 $120.00 Read more about Jewish - 2 numbers of "Der Jude", a monthly magazine in German published until 1928
Anti Semitic - Poor condition German version of the ultra racist and anti-Semitic pamphlet "Der Untermensch"!!! Anti Semitic - Poor condition German version of the ultra racist and anti-Semitic pamphlet "Der Untermensch"!!! $280.00 Read more about Anti Semitic - Poor condition German version of the ultra racist and anti-Semitic pamphlet "Der Untermensch"!!!
Rare magazine "Bohmen und Maren" issued in occupied Czech Republic - Number 5 of May 1941 Rare magazine "Bohmen und Maren" issued in occupied Czech Republic - Number 5 of May 1941 $140.00 Read more about Rare magazine "Bohmen und Maren" issued in occupied Czech Republic - Number 5 of May 1941