Der Sturmer - Rare anti-Semitic 3Reich poster "Wenn Juden Lachen " publishing by the Sturmer publishig house ! $760.00 0
Jewish - Belongings' form filled in the package office in Wien by a Jewish Couple from that city that emmigrated to London - 1939 $160.00 0
Rare Red Cross enquiry form filled with the names of a Czech family that was deported to Theresienstadt and then to KL Auschwitz and eversince there's no news from them and answered on the reverse - 1946 $100.00 0
Westerbork - 4 different value camp money from Dutch transit camp of Westerbork. Instant collection! $360.00 0
Very rare monographic anti-bolshevic propaganda newspaper "Wolnosc Bolszewicka" issued by the Nazi occupiers in Poland for the polish population - 1943/44 $130.00 0
Ghetto of Warsaw - Very interesting booklet published in 1973 about the Ghetto of Warsaw and its liquidation (Stroop Report translation) - English language $110.00 0
SS Einsatzgruppen - 4 examples of relic condition ID tags of the infamous SS Einsatzgruppen found in the Finland lake, still readable in some parts! $300.00 0
KL Flossenburg - 2 documents sent by Kommandantur in KL Flossenburg to KriPo in Nuremberg telling them that a prisoner was received in that camp and then being sent to KL Stutthof - 1942 $880.00 0
KL Sachsenhausen - Rare document sent by Oranienburg concentration camp Kommandantur to KriPo in Berlin notifying them that a prisoner was being sent back to Oranienburg - 1940 $480.00 0
Very rare photo showing a pannel that indicates what hours did Jews have to buy in some Czech $100.00 0
Anti Semitic - Jewish - 2 period photos taken from blackbords in the headquarters of 33. Reiterkompanie with cartoons representing anti-Semitic and racist messages $140.00 0
Anti Semitic - Jewish - Set of 4 texts with horrible anti-Semitic messages written by young girls from German school answering to this question: "Why should we be warned about the Jews?" - 1935 $320.00 0
Anti Semitic - Jewish - Julius Streicher - Example of the infamous and violent anti-semitic tabloid "Der Stürmer" 1943 $150.00 0
Judaica - Rare set o documents of a German Jew called Reinhard Rosenbaum who managed to escape Germany in the early 30's and lived in USA $480.00 0
Holocaust - Interesting set that belonged to a Jewish mother and son a genuine used condition JUDE star of David! $1,650.00 0
Outstanding set of documents to a couple of German Jews who escaped the Holocaust, including Jewish Kennkarte, Passport and other identity documents - man was a Jewish soldier in the German imperial army! $2,600.00 0
Very nice postcard with a picture of the Inspektion building of the SS concentration camps' administration in Oranienburg - SS Feldpost 1942 $180.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Two rare documents from KL Auschwitz Kommandantur regarding the admission of a female prisoner in KL Ravensbrück - 1944 $1,250.00 0
KL Mauthausen - Ultra rare document sent from Mauthausen Kommandantur to KriPo office in Nürnberg regarding a prisoner who was suspect of a crime and hand signed by infamous Lagerkommandant Franz Ziereis! 1939 $1,100.00 0
KL Buchenwald -Two rare documents from KL Buchenwald Kommandantur regarding the admission of a prisoner - 1943 $780.00 0
Book "Story of a Secret State" by the Polish resistence-movement soldier Jan Karski, who first reported the world about the Nazi atrocities in ghettos and concentration camps $160.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - JOOD version of the Jewish star of David. Dutch variation VERY RARE!!! $990.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Very rare and curious doctor appointment paper only for Jews' treatment by Jewish doctor - 1940 $220.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Interesting paper of the french foreigners service with information of a German Jew from Koblenz - 1942 $220.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Rare Belgian Jews' record single file of Neeltje Van der Kar - 1941 - Jodenregister $220.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Formal letter sent to a Polish Jew from the "Jüdische Jugendhilfe" association to help jobless Jewish youngsters to find a work in Palestina - 1939 $180.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Advertising leaflet of the Jewish newspaper printed in Amsterdam "Het Joodsche Weekblad", focusing on the Jewish community in Amsterdam - 1941 $130.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Rare single file out of the Jews' list in Breedene, a municipality of Belgium - 1941 $140.00 0
Jewish - Photo of a Polish eldery Jew posing for the camera in the ghetto of Zamość, in Poland - end of 1939 $100.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Period original photo of Polish Jews moving to another village or land after occupation of Poland $130.00 0
Jewish - Jude - Nice photo of an eldery Jew in Ghetto Kielce, Poland taken by a German in 1940 and described on the reverse $120.00 0
Holocaust - Ghetto Warsaw - Really shocking photo of a Jew laying on the pavement of the Warsaw Ghetto during German occupation $160.00 0
Der Stürmer - Rare ultra antisemitic leaflet handed out by "Der Stürmer" in the streets sharing anti Jewish message: "What plans world Jewry against Germany?" $180.00 0
Anti Semitic - Freemasonry - Super rare invitation card to a speech given by a member of the NSDAP in 1932 about the secrets of the freemasonry! Look at the prohibition to the Jews to attend the speech! $140.00 0
Der Sturmer - Super rare letter sent by "Der Stürmer" ultra antisemitic newspaper central office in Nuremberg to a soldier in the front with virulent antisemitic message! $320.00 0
KL Ravensbruck - Very nice set of 3 different types of KL Ravensbrück letters sent by 3 different women inmates from the camp - 1942/43/44 $240.00 0
SIPO - Very nice foldable truncheon for German Polizei with killer steel ball - signed SIPO and marking D.R.G.M.! $720.00 0
KL Buchenwald - Ultra rare ground dug metal token for identify the bags where belongings of inmates were kept in a storehouse KL Buchenwald ! $220.00 0
KL Ravensbruck - KZ-Außenlager Velten 3 tool token come from sub-camp of KL Ravensbruck - Ikaria / Veltener Maschinenbau GmbH $180.00 0
"Der Stürmer" - Postcard sent from Nürnberg in 1943 with a picture of Julius Streicher -Schule !!! $100.00 0
Anti-Semitic pocket book "Das Judentum und die Schatten des Antichrist" written by Priest Gaston Ritter. $120.00 0
Ultra rare edition of "Mein Kampf" in Japanese! One of the rarest versions to find and almost impossible to come across! $1,200.00 0