Holocaust - Very small ghetto Bronowice Małe ( now part of Cracow ) - an acknowledgment of receipt to the decontamination of lime roasted - 1941 $140.00 0
KL Jasenovac - Food card to an inmate of the infamous Ustasha concentration camp sub-camp Stara Gadica $160.00 0
Very rare letter sent from Bulgaria to the camp at Blechhammer sub-camp of Auschwitz in Poland or labor camp. $170.00 0
Interesting bilingual document issued in Generalgouvernement to swear you didn't have Jewish ancestors! $120.00 0
Ghetto Kaunas - Ultra rare set of 2 documents issued by the SS department of resettlement of the Kaunas Generalkommissar to an architect to build a carpentry!!! $1,400.00 0
WW2 - Set of relic condition ground dug Jewish Hannukah dreidels found in KL Gross Rosen area! $110.00 0
KL Buchenwald - Ultra rare ground dug metal token for identify the bags where belongings of inmates were kept in a storehouse KL Buchenwald , found in the area of the camp ! $200.00 0
The cap badge of the First Judaeans 1919-1921 menorah and word קדימה Kadima and use also Betar Revisionist Zionist youth movement RARE $560.00 0
WW2 - Holocaust - Jude - Jewish - Good example of "Der Stürmer" anti-Semitic newspaper of 1940 $120.00 0
KL Buchenwald - Kantine money token of 0,50 RM to use in a sub-camp of concentration camp of Buchenwald $180.00 0
Antisemitic - Ultra rare Slovak version of the infamous anti-Semitic booklet "Der Untermensch"!!! $1,000.00 0
KL Buchenwald - Kantine money token of 1RM to use in a subcamp of forced labor of Buchenwald by SS personnel $150.00 0
Ghetto - Used condition banknote of 5 Mark to use within the ghetto of Litzmannstadt by the Jews $85.00 0
Groß Rosen - Ground dug pair of metal key chain plates in relic condition found in Groß-Rosen concentration camp area $160.00 0
Groß Rosen - Very interesting pieces of printing sheet to print Jewish books in Hebrew, ground dug in Groß Rosen area! $150.00 0
Holocaust - Impressive big size hanging David Star used to ban the entrance of Jews in shops during Nazi period!!! Ultra rare! $5,000.00 0
Gross Rosen - Very beautiful Hannukah dreidel ground dug in KL Gross Rosen , with nice detail $70.00 0
Gross Rosen - Set of 8 Hannukah dreidels to play during the Jewish fest of Hannukah ground dug in Gross Rosen area! $130.00 0
Holocaust - Ultra rare big size "JUDEN HAUS" star of David made from metal to mark houses of Jews in Germany! Ground dug in Munich! $550.00 0