Judaica - 2 x relic condition ground dug Jewish plated pendants or medals from 30s found in KL Gross-Rosen! $120.00 0
KL Gross-Rosen - Incredible set of original ground dug belongings of jews deported to KL Gross-Rosen!!! Some true antiquities! $560.00 0
WW2 - 2 x rare numbered ID tags of 2 workers of the K. Scheibler & L. Grohmann factory in Litzmannstadt $200.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Letter sent in 1943 from Stammlager Auschwitz (main camp) by a woman! Very rare! $200.00 0
KL Buchenwald - Letter sent by an inmate from Buchenwald concentration camp in 1944 with original envelope! $130.00 0
KL Mauthausen - Document sent from KL Mauthausen Krematorium regarding the ashes urn of a cremated inmate! $320.00 0
Antisemitic - Set of 3 x very rare anti-Semitic newspapers "Arijsky Boj" printed in Czech Republic! $450.00 0
WW2 - Nice set of 2 different rare banknotes from transit camp of Westerbork, Holland! Anne Frank's camp! $120.00 0
WW2 - Set of relic condition ground dug Jewish Hannukah dreidels found in KL Gross Rosen area! $120.00 0
WW2 - Super rare KL Mauthausen/ Gusen SS Totenkopf guard ID tag found in the area of KL Ebensee! $550.00 0
WW2 - One of a kind item! An original engraved and named wooden spoon of a former KL Stutthof man inmate! $500.00 0
WW2 - Stunning Feldpost letter with envelope sent by KL Natzweiler TK guard to his espouse! $600.00 0
WW2 - Nice set of 2 different rare banknotes from transit camp of Westerbork, Holland! Anne Frank's camp! $220.00 0
WW2 - Nice empty envelope sent by SS Rottenführer guard from Dachau concentration camp Kommandantur to his wife! $150.00 0
WW2 - Very rare 5 Reichsmarks token or cantine money from KL Dora Mittelbau used by SS guards! $800.00 0
Jewish rationed food card from Berlin in 1944. With "Jude" stamped on the background! Rare non-usable prototype! $260.00 0
WW2 - Jewish rationed food card from Berlin in 1944. With "Jude" stamped on the background! Rare non-valid prototype! $160.00 0
WW2 - Very nice doctor's report from Stutthof concentration camp about the death of an inmate $300.00 0
WW2 - Awesome and scarce book from the library of Reichsuniversiät Straßburg! Book on disinfection and plagues liquidation! $2,900.00 0
WW2 - Very nice letter sent to the prominent Nazi Leonardo Conti's office in Berlin! Euthanasia T4 Program! $680.00 0
Interesting bilingual document issued in Generalgouvernement to swear you didn't have Jewish ancestors! $130.00 0
Amazing set of a Jewish woman comprising her Passport with "J" and a very interesting document! $750.00 0
WW2 Holocaust concentration camp Auschwitz jacket and cap from the same inmate - with Auschwitz stamp $9,995.00 0
Incredible item! An ID tag that belonged to a KL Auschwitz guard!!! One time opportunity! 4 000,00 € 0