Judaica - Holocaust - Set of 9 receipts of posting of parcels or letters sent to the registry office of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto $360.00 0
KL Dachau - Rare document sent KL Dachau Kommandantur to KriPo office in Nürnberg regarding a prisoner transfer to KL Neuengamme - 1941 $320.00 0
KL Flossenburg - Rare document sent KL Flossenburg Kommandantur to KriPo office in Nürnberg regarding a prisoner transfer to KL Gross-Rosen, who died some days later - 1941 $240.00 0
Judaica - Letter from Jewish officer soldier from Oflag VI C officers camp in Osnabrücker sent to Serbia . Very rare Judenpost 1942 $320.00 0
Jewish - Holocaust - Ghetto - Very interesting photo of Jews in an unknown Ghetto in Poland looking at the camera, wearing yellow stars of David $230.00 0
Jewish - Ghetto - Very shocking photo of Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland (maybe Warsaw or Lodz) selling food to get some incomes and wearing star of David armbands $230.00 0
Jewish - Holocaust - Awesome photo of a group of Jews in an unkown probably ghetto in Poland that seems they are rounded up by Nazis $180.00 0
Ghetto Vilna - Document from Chief of the Police of the Ghetto of Vilnius about the liberation of a prisoner - 1943 $320.00 0
Ghetto Lomscha - Very rare certificate/permission issued to a Polish man by major of the city of Lomscha to access the Ghetto of Lomscha - 1941 $520.00 0
Jewish - Private taken photo Jewish in Poland written on the back depicting some Polish Jews a bit confused - 1939 $100.00 0
Jewish - Ghetto - Very touching private taken photo of a Jewish child in ghetto, looking at the camera with sad face. This photo was published in the book by Norbert Podlesny "A glimpse of Evil - Part I of a Trilogy" $120.00 0
Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Really impressive private taken photo of the Litzmannstadt ghetto showing one of the gates and some Jews wearing the stars of David! This photo was published in the book by Norbert Podlesny "A glimpse of Evil - Part I of a Trilogy" $240.00 0
KL Sachsenhausen - Rare prisoner transfer certificate receipt sent from KL Sachsenhausen to Gestapo office in Litzmannstadt - 1944 $480.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Rare prisoner transfer certificate receipt sent from KL Auschwitz to Gestapo office in ghetto Litzmannstadt administration - 1943 $480.00 0
KL Natzweiler - Strutthof - Very rare prisoner transfer certificate sent from KL Natzweiler to KriPo office in Nuremberg- 1944 $680.00 0
Jewish - Holocaust - Photo depicting some Jews wearing the armbands with Jew star of David in Warsaw ghetto $150.00 0
Jewish - Holocaust - Very touching photo depicting some Jews forced by some collaborators of the Nazis to dig pitches with spades to denigrate them - Poland $140.00 0
Litzmannstadt - Rare postcard sent by a Jewish woman from Berlin to the Elder of the Jews of the Ghetto in Lodz, the famous Chaim Rumkowski, head of the Judenrat! 1941 $270.00 0
Holocaust - Very rare death notice sent by the Jewish Council of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto regarding the passing of the Jew Julius Roth 10. March 1942 $380.00 0
Holocaust - Rare certificate issued by the Jewish Council of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto in 1942 to a family that was liberated from resettlement $320.00 0
Holocaust - Rare letter sent by Gestapo in Litzmannstadt to the Jewish Council of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto regarding the transfer of a Jewish woman in the Central prison of the that Ghetto - 1944 $420.00 0
Jewish - Holocaust - Working certificate issued in the working office in Vienna in 1939 to a Jew to work in metal, homebuilding or other factory works. $180.00 0
KL Buchenwald - Set of ID card issued just after the war to a former concentration camp inmate from Czech Republic and an SS 2 RM. Kantine money for the prisoner and SS guards of KL Buchenwald $220.00 0
Rare French anti-Semitic propaganda with nice cover showing JUIF star of David for French Jews $220.00 0
Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Set of 4 different value Litzmannstadt Ghetto banknotes! Instant collection! $300.00 0
Freemasonry -Masonic - Very rare set consisting of an German ID certificate to a construction worker apprentice and the matching pendant made from Gold issued by the chamber of construction workers - Masonic background? $320.00 0
III Reich period anti-freemasonry book "Enthuellte Welt-Freimaurerei" - Special number of "Der Aufbau", the organ of the NSDAP for construction workers $140.00 0
Anti Semitic - Jewish - "Ilustrierter Film-Kurier" magazine issue about the ultra anti-Semitic propaganda documentary film "Der Ewige Jude" $280.00 0
Jewish - Ghetto - Very nice photo of an old Jew in Poland in an unknown ghetto - It appears in the book by Norbert Podlesny and Daniel de Varannes "A Glimpse of Evil - Part I of a Trilogy"! $130.00 0
Ghetto in Vilna - Arrest warrant against a Jew from Ghetto in Vilna issued in 1942 due to a discipline breakage $320.00 0
Ghetto in Vilna - Arrest warrant against a Jewish woman from Ghetto in Vilna issued in 1942 due to the fact she didn't had an access certificate in the city of Vilna $320.00 0
Ghetto in Vilna - Arrest warrant against a Jew from Ghetto in Vilna issued in 1943 due to not turning up at work $280.00 0
Holocaust - Super rare Polish war period Anti-Semitic and anti-Russian propaganda magazine - 1943/44 - " Who help to us " $280.00 0
Explicit and gruesome photo of 3 Wehrmacht soldiers posing with the corpse of a hanged Russian partisan or Jewish on the gallows and 2 of them mocking the victim while wearing underpants! $110.00 0
Jewish - Rare photo of 2 Jews selling hats and walking sticks in an unkown city in Poland (we think it's Lublin or Cracow) $100.00 0
Jewish - Very nice photo in an unkown photo in Poland of 2 Orthodox Jews walking in the street $80.00 0
Der Sturmer - Rare ultra antisemitic leaflet handed out by "Der Sturmer" in the streets sharing anti Jewish message and explaining the aims of the newspaper and its position/intentions regarding politics and people $180.00 0
KL Lublin Majdanek - Concentration camp bowl marked Waffen SS like those used in Majdanek - Lublin inmate's - super rare $290.00 0
Anti Semitic - Very rare Der Sturmer anti-Semitic special issue dedicated to Fips cartoonist called "Fips Zeitspiegel", number 11 $180.00 0
Ghetto Warsaw - Ultra rare Polizei Dienstpass Warsaw Jewish ghetto liquidation between 20 march and 19 may 1943, under the direction of the SS-Gruppenfuhrer Jurgen Stroop. $2,000.00 0
Ghetto - Legit and 100% guaranteed original coin used in Litzmannstadt Ghetto, dated 1943 and with 10 Mark value $130.00 0
Super rare and beautiful artifact never seen before for sale: a small goldsmith anvil used in Litzmannstadt Ghetto by Jewish jeweller and beautifully engraved with date 23.11.1943! $1,100.00 0
Anti Semitic - Poor condition German version of the ultra racist and anti-Semitic pamphlet "Der Untermensch"!!! $280.00 0
KL Sachsenhausen/Oranienburg and KL Ravensbrueck - 2 rare posters with maps and explanations of the infamous "Death marches" that thousands of prisoners $320.00 0