KL Buchenwald - Drawing made by Polish Artist Paul Holewik, Who Was a Prisoner in KL Buchenwald $660.00 0
Set of 4 Letters sent by Different Inmates from Different Concentration Camps in Different Years: 1940,1942,1945. $130.00 0
2 genuine cloth patches that belonged to a German inmate from Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia who was in both KL Dachau and KL Buchenwald! Named and researched and camp survivor! $1,950.00 0
KL Mauthausen - death notification sent to the wife of the deceased prisoner of KL Mauthausen $620.00 0
KL Auschwitz letter sent to camp and return because inmate was already murdered few days before! $220.00 0
KL Esterwegen - Awesome set of 6 documents all to a communist from Halle am Saale that was imprisoned and released from KL Esterwegen. 1933-1936 $1,900.00 0
Miranda de Ebro - Amazing and ultra rare set of papers of a Canadian pilot who was imprisoned in concentration camp in Spain 1941!!! $1,100.00 0
KL Neuengamme - Hamburg- Letter sent by inmate victim of the Allied air raids at Cap Arcona ship ! $160.00 0
KL Lublin Majdanek - Concentration camp bowl marked Waffen SS like those used in Majdanek - Lublin inmate's - super rare $680.00 0
KL Mauthausen crematorium management, answering to the relative of a deceased inmate about ashes and urn. $380.00 0
KL Mautchausen - Rare postcard sent from Vienna to an inmate in KL Mauthausen with number 13110 - 1945 $320.00 0
KL Lublin Majdanek - Rare postcard from stationery of KL Lublin-Majdanek sent by inmate number 16745 - 1944 $220.00 0
KL Mautchausen - Very rare notification document by KL Mauthausen Kommandantur to the Kripo central office in Nuremberg about the transfer of a prisoner to ditrict court in Nuremberg - 1939 - signed by KL Kommandant Franz Ziereis! $860.00 0