French Propaganda Leaflet "The Noises And Prophecies What We Emit...And the Truth All Naked" $140.00 1
Rare Post WW2 Poster With Different Allied Occupation Areas and New Configuration of Europe $180.00 1
Pro-Nazi Newspaper Called "No Way" Printed for the Ukrainian Population During Occupation N.11 1942 $180.00 1
Number 3 - Year 1940 of the Official Magazine of the "Kraft Durch Freude" Program of the DAF $40.00 1
Nazi Monthly Sheet "Kameradschaft" of German Labour Front - Emphasizing Adolf Hitler's Figure $50.00 1
Communist Pamphlet "Science Talk About Cosmic and Terrestrial Affairs" by USSR Political Emigrants $20.00 1
Compilation of all the Numbers Issued in Germany of the Magazine "Olympia-Heft" During Olympics $120.00 1
Italian Anti-communist Leaflet "Lenin & Bela Kun. They Shoot & Hang Those Who Don't Think Like Them" $60.00 1
Russian War Propaganda Leaflet For Ukrainian Citizens Against Germany "Do You Want to Be a Slave?" $40.00 1
German Anti-USSR War Propaganda Leaflet "German Army is Fighting Against Hunger and Poverty" $100.00 1
Book With Transcription of Josef Stalin's Speech "About the Right Deviation in the CPSU (B)" 1932 $60.00 1
German Booklet by Leon Trotsky "How Will National Socialism be Defeated? Workers' United Front 1932 $40.00 1