Promotional Document to Police Officer Who was in Warsaw Ghetto Liquidation! Signed by Kurt Daluege $1,100.00 0
Promotional Document to Police Officer Who was in Warsaw Ghetto Liquidation! Signed by Kurt Daluege $1,300.00 0
SS - Massive 80 document set that belonged to the SS-Verfügungstruppe Engineer with SS number 61909 that contains his activity from 1935 to 1945! $2,800.00 0
German Mother's Cross in gold category in perfect condition with it's matching award certificate $180.00 0
Huge compilaton of documents and photos to a German soldier before, during and just few after the war! $1,400.00 0
SS Totenkopf - Great photo album and award document of a Waffen SS 3. Totenkopf infantry regiment Sturmann! $1,600.00 0
Very nice Legion Condor version of the Black wounded badge used during Spanish Civil war. 2nd type. Made from spear $150.00 0
Big set of 6 award 62nd Infantry Division documents to an infantry Hauptmann of the 190 Regiment of the Wehrmacht $620.00 0
Waffen SS - Totenkopf division - Impressive big set of documents to an SS-Unterscharführer of a motorised transport batallion! Solbuch included! $1,700.00 0
Very nice promotion proposal document to a captain of the SchuPo signed personally by Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler! original hand signature!!! 1944 $990.00 0
WW2 German Nazi Waffen SS Very nice promotion proposal document to a consultant of the Nazi government signed personally by Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler! original hand signature!!! 1942 $900.00 0
WW 2 - Amazing set to the U-657 U-Boot kapitän Heinrich Göllnitz!! Died in 1943 in Cape Farewell! $1,950.00 0
Awesome set including first pattern AFRIKA cufftitle so-called camel hair version and the matching award document! $590.00 0