Rare temporary identification card issued to a French Jew from Verdun area in France! Dated 1940 $220.00 1
Ultra Rare German Anti-Semitic Postcard Hand Signed by Adolf Hitler Himself! Early 1920s With COA! $4,900.00 1
KL Buchenwald - Curious formal petition document made in 1939 by KL Buchenwald Kommandantur to the Czech priest office of Czech church ! $220.00 1
KL Mauthausen - Set of a death notice sent from Mauthausen to a deceased man's wife + letter! $720.00 0
Two Promotional Documents to Police Officer was in Warsaw Ghetto Liquidation! Signed by Joachim Petsch $2,100.00 1
Working Certificate Issued to a Pole Who Was Employed by Germans in SS Debica Training Camp $220.00 1
WW2 - Trilogy about German persecution during the WW2 " A Glimpse of Evil " Part I / Trilogy - New book - $50.00 986
KL Sachsenhausen - Superb set of a KL Sachsenhausen temporary guard who worked for Deutsche Reichsbahn watching prisoners since Nov 1944 $800.00 1
Interesting Document of the SS Economic Office About Terrain in the City of Sachsenhausen 1944 $360.00 0
Very Rare Death Certificate Letter to Widow of Deceased Pole in Debica 1942 Pustkow SS Camp near Debica ( $280.00 1
WW2 Period Drawings Album and Painting by Dutch Artist Emilie de Vries & Original Drawing and his signature . $380.00 1
Warsaw Uprising - Big set of documents to the same Polish prisoner of war from Warsaw Uprising under German captivity ! $1,200.00 1
Notification document sent by KL Natzweiler-Strutthof Kommandantur to Kripo central office in Nuremberg $560.00 1
Very rare letter sent by Kommandantur in KL Lichtenburg and sigened by Lagerkommandant SS-Standartenführer Hans Helwig - 1937 $1,300.00 1
KL Flossenburg - Very interesting set to a german prisoner with 3 notifications to Kripo central office and his mug-shot! He was prisoner in 3 concentration camps! $1,350.00 1
KL Stutthof - Very rare death notice sent from KL Stutthof Kommandantur in 1943 to the wife of a prisoner of this camp with signature of SS-Sturmscharfuhrer und Kriminal-Sekretar Friedrich Mahlstadt ! $580.00 1
KL Stutthof - Very rare death certificate issued regrading a KL Stutthof prisoner that died in 1943 in that concentration camp! $480.00 1
Aktion T4 - Euthanasia - ID's that belonged to the daughter of the infamous Arthur Gutt, Nazi population expert and head of the National Hygiene Department in the Reich Ministry ! $520.00 1
Judaica - Rabbi very rare passport document belonged to a Polish Jewish Rabbi Guttman Chaim Josef who wanted emmigrated to the USA in 1936 $720.00 1
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish man ! With red "J" stamped! $540.00 1
Kl Bergen Belsen - Super rare and unique set of a British doctor who took part in the liberation of KL Bergen-Belsen! With of provenance from relatives! $2,800.00 1
German prison - Interesting set of 4 documents about a deceased Czech man who was in jail in Berlin in Alt Moabit 12a penitentiary $160.00 1
Super huge set of documents to a young boy from HJ leter soldier of the Wehrmacht later prisoner of war in Canada and of his father! $1,100.00 1
Litzmanntadt - Rare set of 3 SS documents issued to an ethnic German from Litzmannstadt in 1944 by the The Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle or VoMi (Coordination Centre for Ethnic Germans) $190.00 1
Litzmanntadt - Rare set of 3 SS documents issued to an ethnic German from Romania in 1944 by the The Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle or VoMi (Coordination Centre for Ethnic Germans) $190.00 1