Factory ID - Very nice factory pass issued to an engineer who worked for LGW Hakenfelde in Berin-Spandau! $100.00 0
WW 2 - Complete roll of 500 post pr-printed stamps of Hitler's official portraits 1942 from stamps machine!!! $130.00 0
Set of 3 ID cards to the same Polish woman from Krasnik who worked for "Spolem", the Consumer Cooperative Society of the Generalgouvernement $120.00 0
Judaica - Propaganda postcard published immediately after the German occupation Poland in September 1939! $130.00 0
Very rare trilingual document dealing with Jewish expert in medical issues - Dentist ghetto Rawa Ruska $240.00 0
Very nice photo-album of a member of an anti-aicraft Flak unit of the Luftwaffe! Very unique and interesting photo from Hitler's journey through Breisach 28 June 1940 $430.00 0
Rare bilingual driving license IDs and control book issued to a Pole by a motorcycle driving school in Lublin - 1944 $220.00 0