KL Mauthausen - Gusen - Rare set of letter sent to wife by Polish prisoner in concentration camp Mauthausen / Gusen subcamp St. Georgen and also wife's Personalausweis - 1944 $180.00 0
KL Sachsenhausen/Oranienburg and KL Ravensbrueck - 2 rare posters with maps and explanations of the infamous "Death marches" that thousands of prisoners $320.00 0
Der Sturmer - Rare anti-Semitic 3Reich poster "Wenn Juden Lachen " publishing by the Sturmer publishig house ! $760.00 0
Jewish - Belongings' form filled in the package office in Wien by a Jewish Couple from that city that emmigrated to London - 1939 $160.00 0
Rare Red Cross enquiry form filled with the names of a Czech family that was deported to Theresienstadt and then to KL Auschwitz and eversince there's no news from them and answered on the reverse - 1946 $100.00 0
Westerbork - 4 different value camp money from Dutch transit camp of Westerbork. Instant collection! $360.00 0
Very rare monographic anti-bolshevic propaganda newspaper "Wolnosc Bolszewicka" issued by the Nazi occupiers in Poland for the polish population - 1943/44 $130.00 0
Ghetto of Warsaw - Very interesting booklet published in 1973 about the Ghetto of Warsaw and its liquidation (Stroop Report translation) - English language $110.00 0
HJ - Set of school marks certificates issued to a boy from Düsseldorf and to his sister - 1937 to 1940 $120.00 0
SS Einsatzgruppen - 4 examples of relic condition ID tags of the infamous SS Einsatzgruppen found in the Finland lake, still readable in some parts! $300.00 0
Forced Laborer - Really nice set comprising Polish slave laborer's Lager-Verpflegungs-Ausweis and his "P" cloth patch to be identified as such - 1942 $160.00 0
KL Flossenburg - 2 documents sent by Kommandantur in KL Flossenburg to KriPo in Nuremberg telling them that a prisoner was received in that camp and then being sent to KL Stutthof - 1942 $880.00 0
KL Sachsenhausen - Rare document sent by Oranienburg concentration camp Kommandantur to KriPo in Berlin notifying them that a prisoner was being sent back to Oranienburg - 1940 $480.00 0
Interesting Ausweis issued to a Dutch worker of the Sudetenländischer Treibstoff-Werke AG / Hydrierwerk Brüx - 1941 $100.00 0
RADwJ - Series of 6 mugshots or ID photos taken of a young lady that was member of the NSDAP and RADwJ $20.00 1
Photos showing a German business butcher shop in Przemysl during III Reich forbidding the entry to Poles or Jewish $140.00 0
Very rare photo showing a pannel that indicates what hours did Jews have to buy in some Czech $100.00 0
Anti Semitic - Jewish - 2 period photos taken from blackbords in the headquarters of 33. Reiterkompanie with cartoons representing anti-Semitic and racist messages $140.00 0
Very rare photo showing a German business during III Reich forbidding the entry to Poles and making clear it was a "German business" during German occupation of Poland $100.00 0
Judaica - Passport document belonged to a Polish Jewish women Hanna Tuchfeld she emmigrated to Palestine in 1934 $280.00 0
Anti Semitic - Jewish - Set of 4 texts with horrible anti-Semitic messages written by young girls from German school answering to this question: "Why should we be warned about the Jews?" - 1935 $320.00 0
Anti Semitic - Jewish - Julius Streicher - Example of the infamous and violent anti-semitic tabloid "Der Stürmer" 1943 $150.00 0
Anti Semitic - Jewish - Set of 4 texts with horrible anti-Semitic messages written by young girls from German school answering to this question: "Why should we be warned about the Jews?" - 1935 $320.00 0
Anti Semitic - Weimar Republic era minted coin/medallion with an anti-Semitic message about usury - 1923 $70.00 0
Judaica - Rare set o documents of a German Jew called Reinhard Rosenbaum who managed to escape Germany in the early 30's and lived in USA $480.00 0
Judaica - Very rare identification tag for a Polish Jewish soldier of the Polish army! 1939 $130.00 0
Holocaust - Interesting set that belonged to a Jewish mother and son a genuine used condition JUDE star of David! $1,650.00 0
Outstanding set of documents to a couple of German Jews who escaped the Holocaust, including Jewish Kennkarte, Passport and other identity documents - man was a Jewish soldier in the German imperial army! $2,600.00 0
NSDAP - Set of 3 voting ballots of the elections for the Reichstag in 1933 - one of them for Adolf Hitler as chancellor and NSDAP $280.00 0
NSDAP - Set of 4 voting ballots of the elections for the Reichstag in 1933 - one of them for Adolf Hitler as chancellor and NSDAP $380.00 0
Lebensborn - Ultra rare set of 3 photos coming from Lebensborn centre "Kinderheim Oberweis Ostmark" showing woman and children - 1943 $480.00 0
Very nice postcard with a picture of the Inspektion building of the SS concentration camps' administration in Oranienburg - SS Feldpost 1942 $180.00 0
KL Auschwitz - Two rare documents from KL Auschwitz Kommandantur regarding the admission of a female prisoner in KL Ravensbrück - 1944 $1,250.00 0
KL Mauthausen - Ultra rare document sent from Mauthausen Kommandantur to KriPo office in Nürnberg regarding a prisoner who was suspect of a crime and hand signed by infamous Lagerkommandant Franz Ziereis! 1939 $1,100.00 0
KL Buchenwald -Two rare documents from KL Buchenwald Kommandantur regarding the admission of a prisoner - 1943 $780.00 0
Book "Die Technik des Staates" by Reichsministrer and Governor-General of the Generalgouvernement of Poland Dr. Hans Frank 1942 $130.00 0
Book "Story of a Secret State" by the Polish resistence-movement soldier Jan Karski, who first reported the world about the Nazi atrocities in ghettos and concentration camps $160.00 0
Anti-Semitic party "Völkischer Block" elections' propaganda leaflet inviting the working class to vote against the Jewish businessmen that slave the workers, printed in the 20s, after Nazi party was banned after the "Putsch". $110.00 0
Laminated Ausweis to a construction worker from Czech Republic who worked for the Witkowitzer Bergbau - u. Eisenhütte-Gewerkschaft, Mähren - Ostrau - 1944 $100.00 0
Very rare Ausweis issued to an Ukrainian man by the Ukrainian commitee in the Generalgouvernement - 1943 $100.00 0
Judaica set of 5 unused tickets from kosher slaughterhouse - Jewish orthodox in Hungary 1940-1942 $320.00 0