Very rare document issued by Litzmannstadt Ghetto Jewish Council about a tailor's shop that must be registered in metal business department of the ghetto - 1943 $180.00 0
Photo that show some Jews in Poland working with a water pump while some German soldiers watch them in postcard size $100.00 0
Wedding Certificate and Money Order Receipt of Jewish Couple who died during Holocaust- Researched! $70.00 0
Very Touching Rare Document Sent to by Gestapo of Litzmannstadt to Ghetto Imprisonment of 4 Jews 1942 $430.00 0
Promotional Document Police Officer Who was in Warsaw Ghetto Liquidation! Signed by Heinrich Himmler $1,200.00 0
Promotional Document to Police Officer Who was in Warsaw Ghetto Liquidation! Signed by Kurt Daluege $1,300.00 0
Rare postcard sent back in 1942 (we can see the ink stamp "Zurück") to the sender, who was a Jewish woman from Ghetto Litzmannstadt. $420.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Jude -Certificate issued to a Jewish woman from Czeladz ghetto regarding the exchange of a blue Ausweiskarte to a brown Ausweiskarte - 1942 $180.00 0
Very rare trilingual document dealing with Jewish expert in medical issues - Dentist ghetto Rawa Ruska $240.00 0