Warsaw Ghetto - Ration coupons from ghetto 1942 and used again after liberation east part of Poland in 1944 $760.00 0
Holocaust - Litzmannstadt Ghetto sent to the Major of Litzmannstadt regarding some economical matters - 1940 $100.00 0
Holocaust - Rare document of the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland (Reich Association of Jews in Germany) to control the Jewish population - 1943 $320.00 0
Litzmannstadt ghetto - Postcard sent from victim of Litzmannstadt ghetto in 1941 that was rejected by post censorship for unacceptable - 1941 $110.00 0
Ghetto Litzmannstadt - probably a children's camp a picture of the gate in the Lodz ghetto (Litzmannstadt) 1942 ! $280.00 0
Holocaust - Ultra rare set of Jewish Kennkarte from Generalgouvernement to a Jewish woman and her used Polish version star of David! $3,400.00 0
Ghetto Warsaw - Very rare period photo taken in the Ghetto of Warsaw in the early 40's shwoing some Jews wearing armbands $160.00 0
Ghetto Litzmannstadt - A very sad document issued by a doctor in the Litzmannstadt ghetto 1941 $100.00 0
Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Banknote of 20 RM used within the famous Jewish ghetto of Litzmannstadt $220.00 0
Anti Semitic - 7 pages' dossier with the full explanation of all the articles that comprise the anti-Jewish ordinance of 28 October 1940. In French and Dutch $290.00 0
Interesting official document about the exclusion of the Jews from the amusement industry in Belgium by the propaganda department in that country - 1941 $220.00 0
Rare set of 3 rationing cards for Jews issued in Austria for to a Jewish woman from Vienna - 1939/1940 $380.00 0
Rare booklet "The Story of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Meaning nad Message" published to commemorate the 10th anniversary in 1953. English. $85.00 0
Ghetto Uniejow - Very touching correspondence write Jewish boy and sent to his unkel and aunt in USA 1940 $230.00 0
Ghetto Uniejow - Very touching correspondence write Jewish boy and sent to his unkel in USA 1940 $230.00 0
Ghetto - Holocaust - A very interesting internal document from the Litzmannstadt ghetto ordering 70 wrapped armbands by Judenrat Litzmannstadt 1944 !!! $140.00 0
Holocaust - Very rare Ausweis issued to a Czech Jew by the Jewish Council of Prague to use public transport from home to work during weekends - 1945 $390.00 0
Impressive and ultra rare set of used condition JUDE star of David for German and Czech Jews and immediate post war ID card from Society of Jewish Inwalids to the owner of the star! $1,400.00 0
Ghetto Warsaw - Very nice and inedit private taken photo of one of the access gates of the Jewish Ghetto in Warsaw ! $140.00 0
Ghetto Warsaw - Private taken photo inside the Jewish Ghetto in Warsaw with Poles crossing a main street ! $180.00 0
Ghetto - Holocaust - Ghetto Bendsburg o/.S ( now Będzin ) - Very rare letter sent like register letter from the Bendsburg ghetto to Switzerland 1943 $290.00 0
Anti Semitic - French language anti-Semitic book "Les Juifs aussi sont des hommes!" (Jews are men too!) by Jef van de Wiele $320.00 0
Holocaust - Super rare leaflet issued in France in the village of Champigny-Sur-Marne for all the Jews telling them to go be issued an identity card - 1940 $480.00 0
Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Certificate issued to a Jew in Lizmannstadt Ghetto by Ghetto Jewish Council certifying he was employed as watchman and with permission of going outta home - 1942 $120.00 0
Judaica - Holocaust - Set of 9 receipts of posting of parcels or letters sent to the registry office of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto $360.00 0
Jewish - Holocaust - Ghetto - Very interesting photo of Jews in an unknown Ghetto in Poland looking at the camera, wearing yellow stars of David $230.00 0
Jewish - Ghetto - Very shocking photo of Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland (maybe Warsaw or Lodz) selling food to get some incomes and wearing star of David armbands $230.00 0