Holocaust - Very small ghetto Bronowice Małe ( now part of Cracow ) - an acknowledgment of receipt to the decontamination of lime roasted - 1941 $140.00 0
Interesting bilingual document issued in Generalgouvernement to swear you didn't have Jewish ancestors! $120.00 0
Ghetto Kaunas - Ultra rare set of 2 documents issued by the SS department of resettlement of the Kaunas Generalkommissar to an architect to build a carpentry!!! $1,400.00 0
The cap badge of the First Judaeans 1919-1921 menorah and word קדימה Kadima and use also Betar Revisionist Zionist youth movement RARE $560.00 0
Ghetto - Used condition banknote of 5 Mark to use within the ghetto of Litzmannstadt by the Jews $85.00 0
Holocaust - Ultra rare big size "JUDEN HAUS" star of David made from metal to mark houses of Jews in Germany! Ground dug in Munich! $550.00 0
Jewish ghettos- Interesting and rare document used by the Nazis to look for jewish qualified sanitary personnel among Polish population to work in ghettos - Lemberg $280.00 0
Ghetto - Ultra rare postcard sent by Jewish couple to his daughter from Ghetto Komarow to ghetto in Theresienstadt ! Impressive text. Rarest among the rarest! $850.00 0
Ghetto Litzmannstadt - postrcard from ghetto addressed to Jewish work camp in Posen ! Holocaust $180.00 0
Holocaust - Impressive period poster regarding the creation of a Jewish ghetto in Lviv - Regulation of additional !!! $1,300.00 0
Two ID cards to the same Jew in the ghetto of the Polish city of Radom. Awesome very rare and impossible to find! Original print form only for Jews! $2,800.00 0
WW2 - 2 x rare numbered ID tags of 2 workers of the K. Scheibler & L. Grohmann factory in Litzmannstadt $200.00 0
Jewish rationed food card from Berlin in 1944. With "Jude" stamped on the background! Rare non-usable prototype! $260.00 0
WW2 - Jewish rationed food card from Berlin in 1944. With "Jude" stamped on the background! Rare non-valid prototype! $160.00 0
Amazing set of a Jewish woman comprising her Passport with "J" and a very interesting document! $750.00 0